AstraZeneca – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Thu, 19 Oct 2023 21:56:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AstraZeneca – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 AstraZeneca pauses COVID-19 vaccine trial when test subject exhibits a severe neurological reaction. Tue, 08 Sep 2020 00:00:58 +0000 The study participant in late-stage testing reported symptoms consistent with transverse myelitis, a rare inflammation of the spinal cord, said company spokesman Matthew Kent. The article also mentions another test subject who had “an undiagnosed case of multiple sclerosis that was unrelated to the vaccine,” but the article does not mention how it was determined…


The study participant in late-stage testing reported symptoms consistent with transverse myelitis, a rare inflammation of the spinal cord, said company spokesman Matthew Kent.

The article also mentions another test subject who had “an undiagnosed case of multiple sclerosis that was unrelated to the vaccine,” but the article does not mention how it was determined that the multiple sclerosis was a preexisting condition.  Vaccine recipients have since had severe adverse reactions that resemble extreme multiple sclerosis.

The neurological disorders reported in this article are distinctly different from that reported later in the month.


See also, on this site:

AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer “Develops Neurological problems” Sat, 19 Sep 2020 00:00:50 +0000 A test subject in the initial AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial exclaimed, “They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God; My Soul Is Dead.”  The researchers labeled this “neurological problems.”  Eventually, AstraZeneca continued the trial. There may have been some truth to what the test subject said.  On March 31, 2021, Medica Health posted “A Harsh Passover.” …


A test subject in the initial AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial exclaimed, “They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God; My Soul Is Dead.”  The researchers labeled this “neurological problems.”  Eventually, AstraZeneca continued the trial.

There may have been some truth to what the test subject said.  On March 31, 2021, Medica Health posted “A Harsh Passover.”  This is a particularly haunting article.  It begins like this:

Over the last few weeks, we have received reports from healers all over the world expressing concerns about the low levels of energy emitted by their clients.  These clients all have one thing in common: they have recently been vaccinated.

It then goes on to quote an email from a “renowned French therapist”:

I was having a session with a person who had received the first and second doses of the vaccine.  I had already energetically treated that person, but I didn’t know they had taken the vaccine.  When I started treatment, I noticed immediately the change, very heavy energy emanating from the subtle bodies.  The scariest thing was when I was working on the heart chakra, I connected with her soul: it was detached from the physical body, it had no contact and it was, as if it was floating in a state of total confusion: a damage to the consciousness that loses contact with the physical body, i.e. with our biological machine, there is no longer any communication between them.

During the treatment, this soul told me that it no longer felt the body and had the impression of floating in a deep discomfort.  The energy with which I worked, the energy of its energy field, was very heavy, and you could feel these substances, which are very stressful for the subtle bodies.

I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could no longer receive any light, frequency or energy.  It was a very powerful experience for me.

Then I understood that this substance is indeed used to detach consciousness so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it possesses in life, where there is no longer any contact, no frequency, no light, no more energetic balance or mind.  Then I started crying for that soul because it was something that touched me deeply, a very powerful experience.  I didn’t say anything to the person because I didn’t know how to say it or whether they would have understood.

I realized that it not only pollutes the subtle body or the physical body, but that it is something that has to do with our soul.  The purpose is to damage contact with consciousness and try to destroy it.  What Steiner (editor: Rudolf Steiner the anthroposophist) said is exactly that.  It’s not just about compromising the immune system.


There was another change, and again a deterioration, both in severity and in the energy that its energy field transmits, but most importantly, there was a very marked decrease in frequency.  She is currently not showing any physical symptoms on the physical body.  As for the situation that manifests itself on the energetic level and especially on the soul, it has been confirmed that the soul has been expelled from the physical body, it is still tied by the so-called cord, but it confirms that it is not interacting anymore with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no more communication.  The soul is no longer able to manage these three bodies, to continue its incarnation and evolution process, precisely because this contact has been interrupted.

Since this is a new thing that has never happened before and therefore soul consciousness does not know what is manifesting, the soul is in a situation where it does not know why it has been cast out.  It is aware that [already] after the first dose of the vaccine this happened, that it no longer had any form of communication, that it could no longer use these bodies that we have taken on to live on earth.  The development and the experiences that the personality transmits to the soul have all been interrupted.

It is not known which vaccine this patient had taken.  It is a rare allopathic physician who would even be able to recognize this type of damage.  It is not likely to be reported in the safety studies.  It is fortunate that this situation was reported at all.

Here is a report of spiritual damage from the jab recipient’s point of view, as reported by /u/ccatcal on Reddit and shared by Jim Stone – Sept 13, 2021:

I don’t know how else to put this. I had my second dose of Pfizer two weeks ago and I’ve become convinced there is something in these vaccines that cuts people off from spirit.

It’s like my consciousness has been leashed and life has turned the volume down real low. I had an intense spiritual awakening about 2 years ago triggered by psychs and it’s like all the connection I gained has been erased. I think this is some kind of evil alien tech I’m not even joking. Like Law of One Orion type shit, to stop us ascending whatever that means. I can’t describe the change in my awareness, I struggle to believe it myself. Like my Mode of Operation has been changed. I’m lucky I’m even conscious of it, because I feel like most people aren’t really in touch with spirit and wouldn’t notice anything wrong. For me this is hell. And I know some of you know what I’m talking about when I say I feel like I’ve betrayed my soul’s mission. It’s like there is no forgiveness for me, I’ve failed and allowed myself to fail knowing something was wrong, I didn’t have faith. Part of me thinks I did this on purpose because my connection was so painful. But nothing is worse than this, I’d rather be suffering.

I can no longer:

-> Feel empathy, or deep emotion, heartfelt emotion. You know that thing in your chest where you feel, physically, not intellectually. It’s gone. No love, happiness, sadness, anger, anything. No compassion.

-> Transcend myself in meditation, feel infinity, God and the like. Like I’ve been reduced to my 5 senses, and even those have been diminished.

-> Feel my intuition at all, no gut feelings whatsoever, it’s like I’m completely blind.

-> Feel music, art, food. Be passionate about anything, have motivation for anything, I don’t even feel hungry or tired, I feel nothing. Not a numbness, not a dissociation (I’ve had both), but a straight up lack, a severance to that spark that animates our inner lives.

-> Lucid dream, astral project, even feel my energetic body at all. It’s like it has dissipated.

-> Sleep properly at all, and when I do it’s like I can’t enter as deep a sleep as I used to.

-> Breathe or yawn as deeply as I used to?? Which may seem unrelated but breath = prana = lifeforce…ygmThanks

Basically I feel like a bot

If anyone knows ANYTHING about this or how to reverse it. I’ve seen all the shit about funvax and whatever, if this is science it has to be reversible somehow. Hopefully if I don’t take boosters and work on my connection I might be able to improve it. If anyone has been through the same or knows anyone who has, DM me. I had an extremely strong intuition (last one I’ve felt) telling me I would basically die if I took this dose, but my mother is my weak spot and I caved to her (doesn’t help that I’m financially dependent on her etc.) but honestly I should’ve become homeless rather than do this. Now I’d rather become homeless than ever take a booster shot. There is no life without love and yet that is the life I’m now living. So yeah. If anyone had their doubts about the vax, here is my theory on what it does, based on personal experience

submitted by /u/ccatcal

Jim Stone’s comment: This type of thing was being stated widely early on until big tech censored it all. One got through the cracks. I am sure someone will crack down on Reddit soon.

The neurological disorders reported in this article are distinctly different from the those reported earlier in the month.

The following is supported by the testimonies of the priests and the report from Cyrus Parsa.  Further, this might be the mechanism behind the reports of magnetism and the medically recognized adverse events of lack of energy, Bell’s palsy, paralysis, and other neurological damage.  If you have the means to do ethical physical research on this hypothesis, please consider doing so.

My students will understand this better than some and the topic I wish to address is the energetic effects in the human body but also the soul body of the introduction of graphene oxide directly into the bloodstream of the human body.
Graphite is a superconductor metal. Graphene oxide is oxidized (rusting) graphite. In other words, it is in the process of oxidization which is the process of creating a free radical oxygen electron in the cells in the body that leads to cell deterioration.
What most probably won’t understand is that the bio-energetic field of the body, I call the soul, is negatively charged, and when a positively charged metal is introduced directly into the bloodstream, it has the effect of weakening the meridian lines in the physical body that distributes the etheric energy from the soul body to the physical body and weakens the physical body.
In order to make graphene oxide graphite is used in a process of electrolysis where electric energy is used to start the electrolysis process, so the graphite becomes electrically charged, whereas the soul body is magnetically charged. This imbalance can weaken the meridian lines in the body.
The earth’s body also has a protective shield called the magnetosphere, also negatively charged that can withstand the electromagnetic rays of the sun and EMF’s, and if it is weakened it would create chaos with the electrical circuitry of our power grids.
In the same way, when we induce a positively charged metal into the body it will weaken the bio-sphere of the physical body and make it susceptible to dark energies.
So all you energy healers out there be aware of this and fortify your own magnetic energies when dealing with those who have had graphene oxide induced into their bodies.
Strong anti-oxidant measures are required.

FunVax may have been a hoax, but it would appear that the vaccines may actually be attacking the “God gene.”  The topic of spiritual injury came up in an interview that Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer conducted with attorney Todd Callender.  Todd Callender named three specific genetic injuries caused by the jabs.  One of them targets the so-called “God Gene.”  Todd Callender has now verified that the jabs target the “God Gene,” among others.



See also, on this site:

Eric Clapton Suffered Serious Side Effects from Jab Wed, 12 May 2021 00:00:34 +0000 Sources: Related: The state51 Conspiracy: Stand and Deliver by Eric Clapton – Music from The state51 Conspiracy




Jabs may be making people Bluetooth connectable Thu, 20 May 2021 00:00:04 +0000 I am calling this phenomenon plausible and perhaps likely.  Patents and technology exist for this functionality.  Influential individuals and organizations have expressed intent to do something like this. The key to duplicating the phenomenon appears to be the use of an older Android phone.  iPhones do not pick up these codes, according to sources.  If…


I am calling this phenomenon plausible and perhaps likely.  Patents and technology exist for this functionality.  Influential individuals and organizations have expressed intent to do something like this.

The key to duplicating the phenomenon appears to be the use of an older Android phone.  iPhones do not pick up these codes, according to sources.  If you have an old phone sitting in a drawer somewhere, try charging it up and seeing what happens.  Turn off automatic updates.  The phone does not need a SIM card in it to detect Bluetooth devices, so you do not have to put a SIM into the phone or reactivate it for this test.  In fact, if you are doing this test with an old inactivated phone you dug out of a drawer, it might be a good idea to take out the SIM card before proceeding.

This post is still in development.

I found an old Android phone from 2016 that will show unnamed devices, and I am working with it to see if I can figure out what it is picking up.  My newest phone does not show them.

A necessary test would probably be to see if a person without devices on or near them will show a code.  Perhaps the way to get that to happen is to ask them to hand their stuff to someone else in their party and then move far enough away from their party that the other devices are not picked up by the phone.  Truly, due to the growing extent of the Internet of Things (IoT), there are a number of items now that could potentially be tagged with these types of tracking devices, so the analysis cannot make assumptions lightly.  I am going to take some time looking at this before I report any findings.

Someone I talked to about the experiments said that the best results could be obtained by putting someone in a Faraday cage.  Where there is no interference, signals like these can travel great distances.  But I do not have a Faraday cage at all, much less one large enough to put a person inside, so that is not likely to be part of my testing.

If injectable IoT devices are being used, I doubt that they are inside the jab vials.  I say this because the jab juice comes in multi-dose vials.  My initial assessment of what I am seeing on my old phone would suggest if what I am seeing is injected chips, there is apparently only one per person.  If the devices were in the vials, the number per person would probably vary.  So it is more likely that an injected device would be in the injection equipment.  I have no way of knowing if that is what is being done.


People’s personal experiences:

What experts are saying:

  • Blog
    September 12, 2021. Orwellito. “Dr. Chinda Brandolino Refers to the Technology That Makes It Possible for the Bluetooth to Read Codes in Inoculated Individuals.” Orwell City. Runtime of embedded video: 2:53.
  • Blog
    November 24, 2021. Orwellito. “Dr. Luis De Benito Shares an Advance of His Report on the MAC Address Phenomenon in Inoculated Individuals.ORWELL CITY. Runtime of embedded video: 8:29.
  • Blog
    November 26, 2021. Orwellito. “MAC-Cinated: Pattern Identification in Coronavirus Vaccines – Nanorouters.ORWELL CITY.


See also, on this site:






“Vaccine-Induced Covid-19 Mimicry” Syndrome Wed, 26 May 2021 00:00:28 +0000 As of April 2021, four adenovirus vector vaccines for COVID-19 have been authorized in at least one country: The Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine uses the modified chimpanzee adenovirus ChAdOx1 Sputnik V uses human adenovirus serotype 26 for the first shot and serotype 5 for the second. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses serotype 26. Convidecia uses serotype 5. Research article excerpt: During the last months many countries have…

As of April 2021, four adenovirus vector vaccines for COVID-19 have been authorized in at least one country:

Research article excerpt:

During the last months many countries have started the immunization of millions of people by using vector-based vaccines. Unfortunately, severe side effects became overt during these vaccination campaigns: cerebral venous sinus thromboses (CVST), absolutely rare under normal life conditions, were found as a severe side effect that occured 4-14 days after first vaccinations.

The research is saying that these vaccines can cause blood clots 4 to 14 days after vaccination.


A UK team files a complaint with the International Criminal Court Mon, 06 Dec 2021 00:00:29 +0000 Subject of complaint: Violations of the Nuremberg Code Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute Violation of Article 8 of the Rome Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute Perpetrators listed on the case include: Boris Johnson, Prime Minister for the United Kingdom Christopher…

Subject of complaint:

  • Violations of the Nuremberg Code
  • Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
  • Violation of Article 8 of the Rome
  • Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute

Perpetrators listed on the case include:


See also, on this site:

Danish cohort study finds negative effectiveness of mRNA vaccines against Omicron Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:00:17 +0000 Negative effectiveness. In other words, the Death Injections are maiming and killing people. And this is the slow kill program that will accelerate over time. Look for a far more troubling term than “negative effectiveness” in the near future, upcoming false flags and other distractions notwithstanding. Also, the UK is reporting a similar “negative effectiveness”…


Negative effectiveness. In other words, the Death Injections are maiming and killing people. And this is the slow kill program that will accelerate over time. Look for a far more troubling term than “negative effectiveness” in the near future, upcoming false flags and other distractions notwithstanding.

Also, the UK is reporting a similar “negative effectiveness” with the AstraZenaca vaccine.


  • Research Journal
    December 22, 2021. Christian Holm Hansen, Astrid Blicher Schelde, Ida Rask Moustsen-Helm, Hanne-Dorthe Emborg, Tyra Grove Krause, Kåre Mølbak, Palle Valentiner-Branth, and on behalf of the Infectious Disease Preparedness Group at Statens Serum Institut. “Vaccine Effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 Infection with the Omicron or Delta Variants Following a Two-Dose or Booster BNT162b2 or MRNA-1273 Vaccination Series: A Danish Cohort Study.
    Research Journal.
  • Blog
    December 23, 2021. 2nd Smartest Guy in the World. “NEW – Danish Cohort Study Finds Negative Effectiveness of MRNA Vaccines against Omicron 90 Days after 2 Injections.” Substack newsletter. 2nd Smartest Guy in the World.