all-cause deaths – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:57:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 all-cause deaths – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 Study finds increased death rate for children of jabbed parents Tue, 26 Oct 2021 00:00:39 +0000 This is potential proof of danger from shedding of spike proteins from jabbed people. The Pfizer study protocol for the COVID-19 inoculations recognizes the shedding risk. For the unvaccinated age group 0-14, most associations between mortality and vaccination in adults are positive (among 39 r values with unadjusted two-tailed P < 0.05, 32 are positive…

This is potential proof of danger from shedding of spike proteins from jabbed people.

The Pfizer study protocol for the COVID-19 inoculations recognizes the shedding risk.

For the unvaccinated age group 0-14, most associations between mortality and vaccination in adults are positive (among 39 r values with unadjusted two-tailed P < 0.05, 32 are positive and 7 are negative r’s). This tendency for positive correlations increases from the week of vaccination until week 18 after vaccination, then disappears. It indicates indirect adverse effects of adult vaccination on mortality of children of ages 0-14 during the first 18 weeks after vaccination.

Pantazatos and Seligmann

In other words, it would appear that jabbed people are a danger to those around them for about 18 weeks.

Data for this study came from VAERS and similar European databases.  The authors of the study estimate that the VAERS data is underreported by a factor of 20.

This risk may apply to dogs as well.  I know of a 2-year-old dog that was diagnosed with the thrombosis/thrombocytopenia combination.  This combination is considered to be rare, but it is being found in recipients of the inoculations.  Everyone in the dog’s family is vaxxed.  Coincidence?  Fortunately, the dog appears to be recovering.



See also, on this site:

All-cause deaths are up among vaccinated in England Mon, 01 Nov 2021 00:01:26 +0000 Sources: See also, on this site: The Exposé finds all-cause deaths to be higher among vaccinated Life insurance company CEO says deaths are up 40% since vaccines introduced



See also, on this site:

Life insurance company CEO says deaths are up 40% since vaccines introduced Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:00:23 +0000 The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people. “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news…


The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”

If the projections of Thomas Renz and Todd Callender are correct, the problem will get much, much worse.

The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.

Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.

The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.

The deaths went up among all age groups among working adults after the jabs were introduced.  A three-sigma event is one that has a less than 1% chance of occurring by chance.  This confirms what John O’Looney has been trying to tell us.  The jabs are causing death, even if that is not the stated cause.  All cause deaths have gone up since the jabs were introduced.

This increase is taking place across the industry.  An insurance company such as OneAmerica provides life insurance through employers.  The increased death rate in Americans of working age could bankrupt these life insurance companies.

Do The Math: Here’s How We Get To Nearly 100,000 Excess Deaths Per Month In America Right Now

According to, there are normally about 7,755 deaths per day in the USA, pre-covid. The 40% increase in mortality now being seen by life insurance companies, if applied across all age groups, would mean an additional 3,100 deaths per day.

Multiply that by 30 days and you get over 93,000 excess deaths per month in the USA.

Day Month Year
Normal 7,755 235,881 2,830,575
Excess 3,102 94,353 1,132,230
Total 10,857 330,234 3,962,805

Many life insurance policies have a clause in them, indemnifying them against losses due to medical experiments.  Check your policy before using experimental drugs such as COVID vaccines.  The fact that Pfizer has issued a progress report as recently as November proves that they are still proceeding with scheduled testing, which is scheduled to complete in May of 2023.  These vaccines are still in testing in spite of any approvals that may have been issued.

And now [in July 2022] we have the CEO of Lincoln National, the fifth largest life insurance company in America, corroborating the 40% surge in all-cause mortality.

Baxter Dmitry

Such an increase in death was unnecessary.  Doctors told the Senate before the approval of the jabs that early treatment could keep people out of the hospital and almost entirely avoid death.  With that information, emergency use authorizations should never have been issued for the jabs.  And because the Senate was told, no one in government should be able to say that they did not know that treatments were available.



See also, on this site:

Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer interview Todd Callender Fri, 25 Mar 2022 00:00:21 +0000 Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Investigative Committee) interviewed attorney Todd Callender in Session 97: Open Secrets.  So far, I have not found a transcript of this session.  A transcript is needed.  This session is that important.  Multiple bombshell statements were made during the course of this interview, and multiple topics were covered. Which are the key…

Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Investigative Committee) interviewed attorney Todd Callender in Session 97: Open Secrets.  So far, I have not found a transcript of this session.  A transcript is needed.  This session is that important.  Multiple bombshell statements were made during the course of this interview, and multiple topics were covered.

Which are the key places to listen to in terms of minutes? at 50 minutes the God gene is being deleted by CRISPR technology. People are changed by the shots, doctors are seeing changes in their patients’ behaviour. More robotic. Zombie like effects. Vaxxed are producing and shedding prions which cause mad cow disease and eat away at your brain. Prions are an issue causing illness cross species. Very few cases in humans says Reiner Fuellmich. Bodily fluid exchange can transfer prions into unvaxxed. nano particles – or nano-bots also vaccinated. (1 hour onwards). The HIV particle is being injected to remove humanity’s natural immunity so all the injected substances can work, and the things in the environment. 1 hour 5 minutes.

Chlorine Dioxide strips away the transistors injected. Carbon 60 will capture some of the materials. Cell phone towers have 3 megawatts in each tower beaming microwave energy. The frequencies coming from space from 20,000 satellites are lower frequency. Lower frequencies can be used to change peoples’ moods or even kill (some frequencies will cure. some will kill). Chinese have realised that mobile phones are targeting systems. Many Chinese realise that people with phones were dying, so they are ditching their phones.
Lawyer says he’s trying to get 5G towers turned off. He is getting support within the Defence Department.
The bit about excess mortality rising by 5000% ( 50 times in 18 – 45 age group) – is earlier on at about 7 minutes.

COVID in vaccine is part bacteria, part viral. The effects of these are increased by 5G. Also the proteins are produced faster when exposed to 5G.

Which are the key places to listen to in terms of minutes? at 50 minutes the God gene is being deleted by CRISPR technology. People are changed by the shots, doctors are seeing changes in their patients’ behaviour. More robotic. Zombie like effects. Vaxxed are producing and shedding prions which cause mad cow disease and eat away at your brain. Prions are an issue causing illness cross species. Very few cases in humans says Reiner Fuellmich. Bodily fluid exchange can transfer prions into unvaxxed. nano particles – or nano-bots also vaccinated. (1 hour onwards). The HIV particle is being injected to remove humanity’s natural immunity so all the injected substances can work, and the things in the environment. 1 hour 5 minutes. Chlorine Dioxide strips away the transistors injected. Carbon 60 will capture some of the materials. Cell phone towers have 3 megawatts in each tower beaming microwave energy. The frequencies coming from space from 20,000 satellites are lower frequency. Lower frequencies can be used to change peoples’ moods or even kill (some frequencies will cure. some will kill). Chinese have realised that mobile phones are targeting systems. Many Chinese realise that people with phones were dying, so they are ditching their phones.
Lawyer says he’s trying to get 5G towers turned off. He is getting support within the Defence Department.
The bit about excess mortality rising by 5000% ( 50 times in 18 – 45 age group) – is earlier on at about 7 minutes.

COVID in vaccine is part bacteria, part viral. The effects of these are increased by 5G. Also the proteins are produced faster when exposed to 5G.

— Comment by Tapestry posted here



The Exposé finds all-cause deaths to be higher among vaccinated Sat, 14 May 2022 00:00:08 +0000 Official figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics show that deaths per 100,000 among double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were on average 91% higher than deaths per 100,000 among unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds between January 2021 and January 2022. This means it can no longer be denied that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly because even the official…


Official figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics show that deaths per 100,000 among double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were on average 91% higher than deaths per 100,000 among unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds between January 2021 and January 2022.

This means it can no longer be denied that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly because even the official Government published figures now prove it.

The Exposé

One benefit of the UK’s nationalized health care system is that they are able to provide much better statistics than the US.  In the US, statistics like these might be found in the records of insurance companies.

They can’t hide the bodies. Excess mortality by age in quarter three of 2021 from life insurance claims data. Our public health establishment is entirely ignoring this disaster. These younger people did not die of Covid.

Source (p. 23): Society of Actuaries Research Institute report. Actuaries are paid to calculate insurance premiums: they care only about the numbers.…

Wall Street is aware of this–take a look at stock prices for certain companies that may be implicated.
I’m working with insurance company executives and regulators who want answers. They are a large and powerful industry that historically has intervened to improve workplace safety, automobile safety, fire code safety, etc. They lose money when people die unnecessarily.

Aaron Kheriaty, MD



See also, on this site:

Children’s Risk of Death Increases between 8100% and 30,200% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Mon, 16 May 2022 00:00:27 +0000 The Office for National Statistics has revealed without meaning to that children are 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine. — The Exposé Governments around the world should ban vaccination of children for COVID-19 based on this data. Sources: Related:


The Office for National Statistics has revealed without meaning to that children are 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Exposé

Governments around the world should ban vaccination of children for COVID-19 based on this data.



All-cause deaths are higher among the working demographic Sat, 01 Oct 2022 00:01:00 +0000 People between the ages of 25-64 with group life policies have been historically healthy, dying at about 30% to 40% percent the rate of the general population. (3 to 4 deaths for every 10) But in 2021, these numbers flipped. And those with group life policies started to die off faster than the general population. •…


People between the ages of 25-64 with group life policies have been historically healthy, dying at about 30% to 40% percent the rate of the general population. (3 to 4 deaths for every 10)

But in 2021, these numbers flipped. And those with group life policies started to die off faster than the general population.

General population: 31.7% excess mortality in 2021.

Group life: 40% excess mortality in 2021.

Remember, 2021 was the year of vaccine mandates.

And who do people on group life insurance policies tend to work for? Large, well-established companies — large, well-established companies with vaccine mandates.

Ed Dowd: “So that’s an eight-point differential for a group that traditionally experiences MUCH LOWER mortality. This is a Mic drop. I don’t care what anybody says.”

Vigilant Fox


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