#StopTheAmendments – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com Chronological Sequence of Events Fri, 10 Feb 2023 04:49:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://pandemictimeline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Covid-150x150.ico #StopTheAmendments – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com 32 32 The WHO meets face to face in Switzerland https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/10/the-who-meets-face-to-face-in-switzerland/ Mon, 24 Oct 2022 00:00:14 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=11404 The meetings are taking place October 24 – October 28. One of the topics will be the amendments to the International Health Regulations. Please see the post on this site, James Roguski sounds the alarm about IHR amendments, for the legal implications of what could result from the passing of these amendments. Sources: See also,…

The meetings are taking place October 24 – October 28.

One of the topics will be the amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Please see the post on this site, James Roguski sounds the alarm about IHR amendments, for the legal implications of what could result from the passing of these amendments.


See also, on this site:

WHO proposes to remove rights statement from governing documents https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/12/who-proposes-to-remove-rights-statement-from-governing-documents/ Fri, 16 Dec 2022 00:00:58 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=11699 These proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) seek to remove respect for your dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms. NOW is the time to take action to stop this. ⋮ The proposed changes to the first principle in Article 3 of the International Health Regulations pretty much says it all. If adopted, they…


These proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) seek to remove respect for your dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms. NOW is the time to take action to stop this.

The proposed changes to the first principle in Article 3 of the International Health Regulations pretty much says it all. If adopted, they would strike out the following text:

“with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons”

James Roguski

Proposed change to the International Health Regulation, as presented by James Roguski

James Roguski has put together a list of 14 calls to action.  The following is an outline of those calls to action.  Please see James Roguski’s article for more detailed information.

ACTION 1: Scroll further down in [James Roguski’s] article and read the proposed amendments to the IHR. Feel free to comment and I encourage you to record your opinions on video and post the links in the comment section.

ACTION 2: Share this website [StopTheAmendments.com] and flyer far and wide. Especially, share this information with members of the alternative media.

ACTION 3: Share this information on Twitter and other social media sites.

ACTION 4: Email and Call Every Member of the United States Congress to tell Congress to investigate these secret negotiations with the World Health Organization.

ACTION 5: Email and Call Every Member of the United States Congress to tell Congress to exit the WHO.

ACTION 6: Email your Congressional Representative and Senators [to stop the IHR amendments].

ACTION 7: Email and Call Your United States Congressional Representative and Senators AT THEIR LOCAL OFFICES.  [See article for sample email.]

ACTION 8: Contact Colin McIff.  [See article for more details.]

ACTION 9: Contact Lawrence Oglethorpe Gostin.  [See article for more details.]

ACTION 10: Sign the Petition to Stop the IHR Amendments.

ACTION 11: Sign the Petition to Stop the Treaty.

ACTION 12: Sign the Petition to Exit The WHO (United States).

ACTION 13: Sign the Petition to Exit The WHO (Global).

ACTION 14: Contact Members of Parliament and Other Government Officials (CANADA).

James Roguski

Much more information on this topic can be found in a previous post about the IHR amendments: James Roguski sounds the alarm about IHR amendments



See also, on this site:
