social distancing – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Sat, 16 Oct 2021 00:49:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social distancing – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 A court case is won in Alberta, Canada Tue, 03 Aug 2021 00:00:14 +0000 This is a huge win.  Patrick King was fined $1,200 for violating the Alberta Public Health Act for being in a group larger than 10 on December 5, 2020, in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.  This is a ticket violation.  Patrick King decided to challenge the fine.  Patrick King has figured out how to win against…

This is a huge win.  Patrick King was fined $1,200 for violating the Alberta Public Health Act for being in a group larger than 10 on December 5, 2020, in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.  This is a ticket violation.  Patrick King decided to challenge the fine.  Patrick King has figured out how to win against these bureaucrats in court.  Patrick King asked in court for the proof of the pandemic.  Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health for the province of Alberta, could not provide it.

We laid the foundation for everybody’s court case now.  So everybody’s court case will go exactly the way I am.  And what they need to do and everybody needs to do is you need to challenge the public health act in your provinces, in your states, wherever you are.  You file a challenge against these health acts, and that way the judge has no recourse.  She has to subpoena the government officials that are responsible for this.  So now we’re going to get them all on the stand.

Unfortunately, Patrick King still had to pay the fine, but Alberta is being freed from COVID-19 restrictions.  Alberta will now be treating COVID-19 the same way they do the flu.  Patrick King said that representing himself in court actually gave him more options in his defense.  Please listen to his interview with Dr. Jane Ruby for details about how that works.

There may be a virus, as has been shown by published reports of the virus genome, but the key point here is that it has not been adequately shown to be responsible for causing the pandemic.  This is an important distinction.  The virus genome needs to be found in a human infected during the pandemic, isolated, and properly sequenced by means other than PCR tests. This is the key action that has not taken place, so far as we know.  The PCR tests are not adequate for this task, as has been seen in a previous event.

As for how you tell others about this situation, the words you use to convey the “no virus” message need to be very precise as to your meaning. The distinction between the existence of a virus and a virus causing a pandemic needs to be made absolutely clear by all who want to say that there is no virus, lest their message be thought to be misinformation and ignored.



  • Video
    August 6, 2021. Government Of Ireland Admits NO Proof SARS-CoV-2 Exists! War Room. Runtime: 10:23.
    Ireland could not produce documentation, either.
  • Video
    August 2, 2021. Mike Adams. The Covid-19 FRAUD: The Entire Industry of Viral Infectious Disease Is Based on Complete FICTION. Health Ranger Report.  Runtime: 38:37.
    Mike Adams explains his quest as a lab owner of trying to find a SARS-CoV-2 virus isolate as a certified reference material.  All he could find was what he calls “snot stew.”  It was not an isolate, and it was not certified.

See also, on this site:
