Shi Zhengli – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 05:21:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shi Zhengli – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 Peter Daszak speaks at TEDMED Wed, 27 Oct 2010 00:00:33 +0000 Peter Daszak is a good showman and salesman, but he also has ties to gain-of-function research.  His name has appeared on at least one research paper in conjunction with the “Bat Lady” of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Sources: Related: See also, on this site: Peter Daszak addresses workshop Peter Daszak mentions coronavirus research in…


Peter Daszak is a good showman and salesman, but he also has ties to gain-of-function research.  His name has appeared on at least one research paper in conjunction with the “Bat Lady” of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.



  • Research Journal
    November 30, 2017. Ben Hu, Lei-Ping Zeng, Xing-Lou Yang, Xing-Yi Ge, Wei Zhang, Bei Li, Jia-Zheng Xie, Xu-Rui Shen, Yun-Zhi Zhang, Ning Wang, Dong-Sheng Luo, Xiao-Shuang Zheng, Mei-Niang Wang, Peter Daszak, Lin-Fa Wang, Jie Cui, and Zheng-Li Shi. “Discovery of a Rich Gene Pool of Bat SARS-Related Coronaviruses Provides New Insights into the Origin of SARS Coronavirus.PLOS Pathogens 13 (11): e1006698.
    Research Journal.

See also, on this site:

Health and Human Services awards grant to EcoHealth Alliance Sun, 01 Jun 2014 00:01:43 +0000 On behalf of the U.S. government, often the military, Daszak scours the globe for animal pathogens and brings them back to the lab to be catalogued, investigated and manipulated. $ Award Amounts: $3.7M Grant description: Understanding the risk of bat coronavirus emergence But this is just one project.  A search of the system showed 37…


On behalf of the U.S. government, often the military, Daszak scours the globe for animal pathogens and brings them back to the lab to be catalogued, investigated and manipulated.

$ Award Amounts: $3.7M

Grant description: Understanding the risk of bat coronavirus emergence

But this is just one project.  A search of the system showed 37 responses for EcoHealth Alliance, with a total of $15.2M.


  • Government
    June 1, 2014. “GRANT to ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE INC.USAspending.
  • National Institutes of Health
    Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.NIH ⟩ RePORT ⟩ RePORTER. National Institutes of Health. Project Number: 1R01AI110964-01. Contact PI/Project Leader: Peter Daszak. Awardee Organization: ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE, INC.
    National Institutes of Health.
    This link has information about the grant given to EcoHealth Alliance and the work being done.
  • Search Results: EcoHealth Alliance.” NIH ⟩ RePORT ⟩ RePORTER.
  • Research Journal
    December 2015. Vineet D. Menachery, Boyd L. Yount, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar Agnihothram, Lisa E. Gralinski, Jessica A. Plante, Rachel L. Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge, Eric F Donaldson, Scott H Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A. Marasco, Zhengli-Li Shi, and Ralph S. Baric. “A SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential for Human Emergence.Nature Medicine 21 (12): 1508–13.
    Research Journal.


See also, on this site:

Ralph Baric publishes paper about bat coronaviruses with potential for human emergence Mon, 09 Nov 2015 00:00:07 +0000 A co-author of the paper is Shi Zhengli-Li, the “Bat Lady” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Two of the authors, Ralph Baric and Boyd Yount, are listed as inventors on Patent 7279327. Source: Related: See also, on this site: UNC Chapel Hill files patent 7279327: Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus  

A co-author of the paper is Shi Zhengli-Li, the “Bat Lady” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Two of the authors, Ralph Baric and Boyd Yount, are listed as inventors on Patent 7279327.


  • Research Journal
    November 9, 2015. Vineet D. Menachery, Boyd L. Yount, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar Agnihothram, Lisa E. Gralinski, Jessica A. Plante, Rachel L. Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge, Eric F. Donaldson, Scott H. Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A. Marasco, Zhengli-Li Shi, and Ralph S. Baric. “A SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential for Human Emergence.Nature Medicine 21 (12): 1508–13.
    Research Journal.


  • Research Journal
    November 12, 2015. Declan Butler. “Engineered Bat Virus Stirs Debate over Risky Research.Nature.
    Research Journal.
  • Research Journal
    November 30, 2017. Ben Hu, Lei-Ping Zeng, Xing-Lou Yang, Xing-Yi Ge, Wei Zhang, Bei Li, Jia-Zheng Xie, Xu-Rui Shen, Yun-Zhi Zhang, Ning Wang, Dong-Sheng Luo, Xiao-Shuang Zheng, Mei-Niang Wang, Peter Daszak, Lin-Fa Wang, Jie Cui, and Zheng-Li Shi. “Discovery of a Rich Gene Pool of Bat SARS-Related Coronaviruses Provides New Insights into the Origin of SARS Coronavirus.PLOS Pathogens 13 (11): e1006698.
    Research Journal.

See also, on this site:


Information about the COVID-19 gene sequence is published. Fri, 31 Jan 2020 00:00:16 +0000 Source:



Data dump exposes EcoHealth Alliance grant request Thu, 23 Sep 2021 00:00:24 +0000 In this data dump, we learn that the EcoHealth Alliance literally requested a grant to release infected bats into a cave.  So when Peter Daszak went with the WHO team to China to investigate the “lab leak,” he could only have been pretending to look for the source because he probably knew exactly where it…

In this data dump, we learn that the EcoHealth Alliance literally requested a grant to release infected bats into a cave.  So when Peter Daszak went with the WHO team to China to investigate the “lab leak,” he could only have been pretending to look for the source because he probably knew exactly where it was.  In other words, the WHO team included the very guy who wanted to release infected bats into the wild in the first place.  If you would like some humor with your bad news, check out the Russell Brand report, because this is really really bad.  And then maybe continue reading this post after watching that because it gets worse.

So far, what I understand of the story is that it is about a grant request.  At minimum, this story proves intent.

When the US government refused to fund the release of the bats, it is likely that someone else did.  I believe that it is safe to assume that the virus was not leaked into the environment; rather, it was deliberately released.  This was a premeditated act.

Did the “Bat Lady” know about this? Was she part of it?

China deserves an apology for being blamed as solely responsible for the mess, and we seriously need to immediately arrest and prosecute the insane creeps who thought it would be a good idea to release bats infected with an enhanced virus into a cave. That is the only way we can adequately communicate to the world at this point that the actions of these psychotic clowns do not reflect the will of the people of the United States. China is not entirely off the hook; they could have done more to prevent the spread of the disease, such as banning travel from their country until the situation was resolved. China may have actually collaborated in the plan, but China did not cause the problem on its own.

We have the full details here. Read these bullets carefully. This is the plan that’s now under way, to the best of our knowledge. It’s far worse than you probably imagined. The “Super MERS” attack is now imminent, and the bioweapons deployment operators are already pre-positioned across US cities, likely armed with drones and aerosolizing drone attachments. We are about to be sprayed with a super dangerous biological weapon:

  • DARPA originally funded MERS but refused to support any effort to release it into the wild. They wanted to keep it as a strategic, last-ditch biological weapon for extreme emergencies.
  • Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance finagled a way to get their hands on MERS, which became the template for the gain of function research that was laundered through the WIV, using US taxpayer money. Elements from MERS, HIV, SARS and other viral strains were engineered together to create the “chimeric” bioweapons with special affinity for human ACE2 receptors.
  • Daszak and Fauci approached DARPA to request funding to release their bioweapons in China. DARPA refused. But they found funding through globalist sources that support depopulation.
  • Had DARPA agreed to the funding, Daszak and Fauci had planned to invite Shi Zheng Li (the “Bat Lady”) to a celebration announcement at DARPA headquarters!
  • SARS-CoV-2 was never designed to kill. It was designed to spread rapidly, with low fatality, to create worldwide panic and demand for vaccines, along with government lockdowns and global communism due to “cases” diagnosed via fraudulent PCR tests.
  • But MERS is a super deadly bioweapon. This will be released next, a souped-up version of MERS that has been weaponized via Fauci, the NIH and the WIV under the control of the PLA (People’s Liberation Army).
  • The EcoHealth Alliance project proposal to DARPA mentions their plans to develop three to five coronavirus bioweapon strains each year. This was to be an ongoing, never-ending assault on humanity via biological weapons, all funded by the US military working with communist China.
  • We don’t yet know the official designation of this MERS bioweapon, but I’ll call it “Super MERS” for now. Super MERS is already in the hands of PLA operators who have crossed into the United States via Mexican narco smuggling routes. The CCP / PLA has hundreds of military advisors working with Mexican narcos, with the promise that the narcos will receive a piece of the southern USA once China occupies and defeats the United States.
  • These Chinese bioweapons operatives are told to simultaneously release “Super MERS” across US cities when given the activation command, which could come via public means such as the New York Times being ordered by China to use a certain phrase on a certain day. (The NYT has long been on China’s payroll, just like most Democrats, half the US Senate and all of Big Tech). The White House is almost completely controlled by the CCP, and Biden is China’s puppet.
  • This Super MERS strain will kill at least 30% of those who are infected, under normal circumstances. But because the covid vaccines have destroyed the immune response among vaccinated individuals, the death rate in the vaccinated may be significantly higher. (50%?)
  • The Super MERS strain is effectively the second half of the binary weapon system, with the first half being the vaccine. This is why tyrannical government has pushed so hard for mass vaccinations. It’s the setup for the kill. The Biden administration has been working with China all along to try to achieve a 70% vaccination rate in the USA, which would translate into an overall kill rate of at least 20% of the US population once Super MERS is released. This translates into about 70 million people, roughly speaking. Or more than ten times the death statistics of the Nazi Holocaust.
  • The release of Super MERS cannot be stopped. The agents are already in place. The border has long been penetrated. America’s military was ordered to stand down during all this, via treasonous Pentagon criminals like Milley and Austin. The left-wing media is all in on this, as is Big Tech. They are all taking orders from China.
  • The release of Super MERS will be called a “variant” by the criminal government, and they will blame the unvaccinated while activating the CDC’s covid death camps to round up political dissidents and begin mass executions.

— Mike Adams


See also, on this site:

Thomas Renz publishes a document with whistleblower information Sun, 02 Oct 2022 00:00:17 +0000 The response to this disaster must be to prevent this from happening again. The only way to protect the world from another devastating debacle like this is to get to the bottom of its origin. Almost three years after the first SARS-CoV-2 patients were reported in Wuhan, China, most Americans still do not know the…


The response to this disaster must be to prevent this from happening again. The only way to protect the world from another devastating debacle like this is to get to the bottom of its origin. Almost three years after the first SARS-CoV-2 patients were reported in Wuhan, China, most Americans still do not know the truth about the origin of SARS-CoV-2. There are many as-yet unanswered questions:

  • Where did SARS-CoV-2 come from? Lab? Animal?
  • If SARS-CoV-2 was developed in a lab, which one(s)?
  • Who was involved in the development of SARS-CoV-2?
  • Who paid for it?
  • And why has this information not been made public?

This document is designed to answer these questions, with the best evidence available at this time. Arriving at a conclusion required the analysis of large amounts of research, some of which is quite complex. We have done our best to summarize complex data in relatively easy-to-understand terms.

Thomas Renz

Thomas Renz has offered to assist any attorney general or congress member who wants to pursue criminal charges related to the COVID-19 crisis.


See also, on this site:
