pandemic – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 05:50:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pandemic – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 George magazine features Bill Gates and mentions a lung-attacking virus. Sat, 01 Feb 1997 00:01:31 +0000 So we hope you enjoy George’s take on the future. Why not put it in a safe place somewhere and take it out in 20 years? — John F. Kennedy Jr. In the section, “Disease: Killer Cooties by Arno Karlen, predictions for 2020: Some people have built careers hawking the worst-case scenario: an overpopulated planet…


So we hope you enjoy George’s take on the future. Why not put it in a safe place somewhere and take it out in 20 years? — John F. Kennedy Jr.

In the section, “Disease: Killer Cooties by Arno Karlen, predictions for 2020:

Some people have built careers hawking the worst-case scenario: an overpopulated planet being choked to death by lung-attacking Andromeda* viruses, for example. It’s true that frightening global epidemics could arise from a new retrovirus, a killer flu, or an Ebola-type pathogen running out of control. Because our technology and our behavior have sped up microbial evolution, reducing the threat of new plagues will demand thoughtful efforts—slowing population growth, keeping our food and water clean, and setting up global systems to monitor infectious diseases and microbial drug resistance, for instance. Human extinction, however, is unlikely, not least because the human immune system is a marvel of resourcefulness. Infection is a universal fact of nature, and microbes share the environment with us. For some microbes, we are the environment! The greatest threat may not be microbes but our failure to protect ourselves.

Arno Karlen is the author of Man and Microbes (Touchstone)

— George, February 1997, p. 75 of original edition, p. 16 of abridged PDF linked here

* “Andromeda” is a reference to the book The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton.



Sylvia Browne predicts a pneumonia-like illness for 2020 Thu, 01 Jul 2004 00:01:52 +0000 Sylvia Browne in 2004: By 2020 we’ll see more people than ever wearing surgical masks and rubber gloves in public, inspired by an outbreak of a severe pneumonia-like illness that attacks both the lungs and the bronchial tubes and is ruthlessly resistant to treatment. This illness will be particularly baffling in that, after causing a…


Sylvia Browne in 2004:

By 2020 we’ll see more people than ever wearing surgical masks and rubber gloves in public, inspired by an outbreak of a severe pneumonia-like illness that attacks both the lungs and the bronchial tubes and is ruthlessly resistant to treatment. This illness will be particularly baffling in that, after causing a winter of absolute panic, it will seem to vanish completely until ten years later, making both its source and its cure that much more mysterious.

Sylvia Brown in 2008:

In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.

It’s interesting to see how the fact checker tries to explain this away.  In my opinion, the predictions are a direct hit.



WHO publishes its checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning Sat, 01 Jan 2005 00:01:26 +0000 Sometime in 2005: The preface includes this text: A few weeks later, the first local outbreaks are reported from other continents. Rates of absenteeism in schools and businesses begin to rise. Phones at health departments ring constantly. The spread of the new virus continues to be the major news item in print and electronic media.…


Sometime in 2005:

The preface includes this text:

A few weeks later, the first local outbreaks are reported from other continents. Rates of absenteeism in schools and businesses begin to rise. Phones at health departments ring constantly. The spread of the new virus continues to be the major news item in print and electronic media. Citizens start to clamour for vaccines, but they are still not available. Antiviral drugs cannot be obtained. Police departments, local utility companies and mass transit authorities experience significant personnel shortages that result in severe disruption of routine services. Soon, hospitals and outpatient clinics are critically short-staffed as doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers themselves become ill or are afraid to come to work. Fearing infection, elderly patients with chronic medical conditions do not dare to leave home. Intensive care units at local hospitals are overwhelmed, and soon there are insufficient ventilators for the treatment of pneumonia patients. Parents are distraught when their healthy young adult sons and daughters die within days of first becoming ill. Several major airports close because of high absenteeism among air traffic controllers. Over the next 6–8 weeks, health and other essential community services deteriorate further as the pandemic sweeps across the world.


Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development Sat, 01 May 2010 00:01:53 +0000 May 2010: The “Lock Step” scenario in this report describes a situation of tight top-down government control. This section of the document gives the example of a presumed pandemic in the future and how it is most successfully controlled in China where lockdowns are mandatory. Source:


May 2010:

The “Lock Step” scenario in this report describes a situation of tight top-down government control. This section of the document gives the example of a presumed pandemic in the future and how it is most successfully controlled in China where lockdowns are mandatory.


Dr. Richard Fleming explains the COVID-19 situation Sat, 05 Jun 2021 00:00:49 +0000 Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, a science-based presentation on the COVID-19 pandemic, from the virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response.  Virtually everything in this presentation is backed by documentation. If you have time for it, this is probably the best information out there on COVID-19.  Perhaps you can view it in…


Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, a science-based presentation on the COVID-19 pandemic, from the virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response.  Virtually everything in this presentation is backed by documentation.

If you have time for it, this is probably the best information out there on COVID-19.  Perhaps you can view it in multiple sessions if time is tight.

Dr. Fleming explains how the virus came to be.  Yes, it was lab-created.  Dr. Fleming shows imaging of the virus.  Scientists know that there is a virus because they can see it with their instruments.  They have sequenced the DNA of the virus and can identify it.  The information shared by Dr. Fleming differs somewhat from that shared by Dr. David Martin.  The main actors in the story are the same, though.

Dr. Fleming explains some early work on finding cures.  It is important to know that generally doctors were told that there were no treatment.  And if doctors tried to use methods of treatment that were not on some official list, they could lose their licenses.  In other words, doctors were prevented under threat from trying methods and drugs that they thought might work.  It is quite possible that many of the people who died could have been saved had doctors been allowed their usual discretion to choose medicines for their patients as they saw fit.

Dr. Fleming talks about choosing medications not for the diseases for which they were approved, but rather for the mechanisms by which they work.  He showed a chart he had made of mechanisms of COVID-19 with a list of drugs and the viral mechanisms they could inhibit.  He and his colleagues had conducted a test of various medications including HCQ.  He explains the protocols of the test.

The presentation includes a video appearance by Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a scientist from Hong Kong who explains what she found when she searched for the origins of SARS-COV-2 and how it appears to be a bioweapon.

Dr. Fleming presents ways we can help with the legal efforts to prevent abuse from the government.

Dr. Fleming presents treatment plans for COVID-19 and spike proteins resulting from jabs.  These are downloadable.



  • Research Journal
    September 14, 2020. Li-Meng Yan, Shu Kang, Jie Guan, and Shanchang Hu. “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route,
    Research Journal.
    Full report.
    The publication note from 17 July 2021 shown with the abstract is interesting to say the least.