medical tyranny – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:11:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 medical tyranny – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 Stop the Shot: Caught on Tape! Hospital CEOs collude to deny medical care Wed, 27 Oct 2021 00:00:27 +0000 This is critical information needed to survive a hospital visit for any reason.  Be sure to watch the embedded video in the LifeSite article.  Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet hosts various presenters in this Truth for Health Foundation press conference.  This press conference reports that attorneys are working hard to get people out of hospitals in…

This is critical information needed to survive a hospital visit for any reason.  Be sure to watch the embedded video in the LifeSite article.  Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet hosts various presenters in this Truth for Health Foundation press conference.  This press conference reports that attorneys are working hard to get people out of hospitals in order to save their lives.  Guests include LifeSite co-founder John-Henry Westen, attorney and patient advocate Ali Shultz, constitutional and civil rights attorney Lauren Martel, attorney Thomas Renz, and Dr. Peter McCullough.

Ali Shultz relates the challenges she faced in trying to advocate for her parents, even as a lawyer.  It is crucial that certain legal documents be drawn up before any hospitalization including a medical power of attorney giving the most bad-ass member of your family the right to make decisions regarding your medical care.  (You will NOT be able to make those decisions for yourself if you end up sedated and on a ventilator.)

Thomas Renz has promised criminal prosecution of those who have used the Remdesivir/ventilator protocol while excluding effective treatments.

Dr. Peter McCullough says that treatments exist that can keep just about any COVID patient out of the hospital.  The key is prevention and early treatment.  Everyone needs to be aware of methods for prevention and early treatment.  Supplies need to be on hand at the time symptoms begin.  Obtaining supplies can take time, so this is something to do right away, whether sick or not.


Remdesivir studies:

  • Research Journal
    December 12, 2019. Sabue Mulangu, Lori E. Dodd, Richard T. Davey, Olivier Tshiani Mbaya, Michael Proschan, Daniel Mukadi, Mariano Lusakibanza Manzo, Didier Nzolo, Antoine Tshomba Oloma, Augustin Ibanda, Rosine Ali, Sinaré Coulibaly, Adam C. Levine, Rebecca Grais, Janet Diaz, H. Clifford Lane, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, PALM Writing Group; Billy Sivahera, Modet Camara, Richard Kojan, Robert Walker, Bonnie Dighero-Kemp, Huyen Cao, Philippe Mukumbayi, Placide Mbala-Kingebeni, Steve Ahuka, Sarah Albert, Tyler Bonnett, Ian Crozier, Michael Duvenhage, Calvin Proffitt, Marc Teitelbaum, Thomas Moench, Jamila Aboulhab, Kevin Barrett, Kelly Cahill, Katherine Cone, Risa Eckes, Lisa Hensley, Betsey Herpin, Elizabeth Higgs, Julie Ledgerwood, Jerome Pierson, Mary Smolskis, Ydrissa Sow, John Tierney, Sumathi Sivapalasingam, Wendy Holman, Nikki Gettinger, David Vallée, Jacqueline Nordwall, and PALM Consortium Study Team. “A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics.The New England Journal of Medicine 381 (24): 2293–2303.
    Research Journal.
    ZMapp and Remdesivir were eliminated from the study following an interim analysis during the trial for mortality reasons.  Remdesivir was the most dangerous drug in that trial.  This trial did not include a control.  This trial was funded by NIAID.
  • Research Journal
    June 11, 2020. Jonathan Grein, Norio Ohmagari, Daniel Shin, George Diaz, Erika Asperges, Antonella Castagna, Torsten Feldt, Gary Green, Margaret L. Green, François-Xavier Lescure, Emanuele Nicastri, Rentaro Oda, Kikuo Yo, Eugenia Quiros-Roldan, Alex Studemeister, John Redinski, Seema Ahmed, Jorge Bernett, Daniel Chelliah, Danny Chen, Shingo Chihara, Stuart H. Cohen, Jennifer Cunningham, Antonella D’Arminio Monforte, Saad Ismail, Hideaki Kato, Giuseppe Lapadula, Erwan L’Her, Toshitaka Maeno, Sumit Majumder, Marco Massari, Marta Mora-Rillo, Yoshikazu Mutoh, Duc Nguyen, Ewa Verweij, Alexander Zoufaly, Anu O. Osinusi, Adam DeZure, Yang Zhao, Lijie Zhong, Anand Chokkalingam, Emon Elboudwarej, Laura Telep, Leighann Timbs, Ilana Henne, Scott Sellers, Huyen Cao, Susanna K. Tan, Lucinda Winterbourne, Polly Desai, Robertino Mera, Anuj Gaggar, Robert P. Myers, Diana M. Brainard, Richard Childs, Timothy Flanigan. “Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19.The New England Journal of Medicine 382 (24): 2327–36.
    Research Journal.
    31% of patients had serious adverse events.  (23% + 8%)  The most common serious adverse events — multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension — were reported in patients who were receiving invasive ventilation at baseline.
  • Research Journal
    September 2020. Marie Dubert, Benoit Visseaux, Valentina Isernia, Lila Bouadma, Laurène Deconinck, Juliette Patrier, Paul-Henri Wicky, Diane Le Pluart, Laura Kramer, Christophe Rioux, Quentin Le Hingrat, Nadhira Houhou-Fidouh, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Jade Ghosn, Francois-Xavier Lescure. “Case Report Study of the First Five COVID-19 Patients Treated with Remdesivir in France.International Journal of Infectious Diseases: IJID: Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 98 (September): 290–93.
    Research Journal.
    Four of the trial patients had to be removed from the trial early: two because they were heading toward liver failure, and two because they had such severe kidney failure they they required transplants.  Two of the trial patients ultimately died.  France decided that Remdesivir was too dangerous to use in their country.
  • Research Journal
    April 2021. Alexandre O. Gérard, Audrey Laurain, Audrey Fresse, Nadège Parassol, Marine Muzzone, Fanny Rocher, Vincent L. M. Esnault, and Milou-Daniel Drici. “Remdesivir and Acute Renal Failure: A Potential Safety Signal From Disproportionality Analysis of the WHO Safety Database.Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 109 (4): 1021–24.
    Research Journal.

See also, on this site:

John O’Looney is rescued from a hospital by friends Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:01:32 +0000 Below this section of the post, I have also posted other recent cases of medical kidnapping:  Doug Kuzma, Cirsten Weldon, Scott Quiner, and Matthew Nolan.  There is also a section about Rod Brooks, who has not managed to leave the hospital and may never be able to do so. The date may have been earlier…


Below this section of the post, I have also posted other recent cases of medical kidnapping:  Doug Kuzma, Cirsten Weldon, Scott Quiner, and Matthew Nolan.  There is also a section about Rod Brooks, who has not managed to leave the hospital and may never be able to do so.

The date may have been earlier than the post date.  If I find an earlier date, I will change the post date.  Your links will continue to work.

John O’Looney

Had John O’Looney not been rescued, he might have been well on his way toward death now.  Dr. Sam Dubé said in the interview that the rescue took place just in time.

“I honestly thought I was going to die in there.” John O’ Looney

John O’ Looney is an independent coroner and funeral home director in the UK. When RAIR Foundation USA interviewed Mr. O’Looney back in September, he was adamantly against the vaccine mandates because of the shocking death toll apparently caused by the “vaccines.” Recently, he exposed the pressures coming against medical officials to falsify death certificates to inflate the number of Covid deaths artificially.

Faye Higbee

The rescue effort began when friends of John O’Looney became aware that he was in a hospital.

An important point in this case is that the rescue team included at least two retired police officers along with doctors and lawyers.  They physically went to the hospital to request that John O’Looney be released to the care of another doctor.  The police officers informed the hospital staff that keeping John O’Looney in the hospital would amount to medical kidnapping, which is a crime.

John O’Looney’s account of his hospital stay is quoted in the article.  He is recovering on effective and appropriate treatments.

John O’Looney made a follow-up video on January 19.  John O’Looney’s update video apparently went out with this note, included in the video description:

Hi guys
after hundreds and hundreds of requests asking how i am and what happened recently during my illness and subsequent hosptial stay, here is an update and the truth about what actually happened.

Can you please get it shared far and wide so all these people know the truth spoken from my lips and not the bullshit Gates fed media scumbags.

As always, thankyou in advance guys for your support – it is really humbling.
with love
John x

In the video, John O’Looney states that he had to go to the hospital because his oxygen saturation had dropped to 78.  He needed oxygen, and oxygen was only available in the hospital.  COVID test results came back negative 3 times during his stay.  His wife also took 3 tests, which all came back negative.  And yet John O’Looney was offered Remdesivir in the hospital, which he refused.  The hospital staff were trying to treat him like a COVID patient in spite of negative test results.  John O’Looney said that it felt more like he had been poisoned, though he does not know for sure about that.  He denies being anti-vaxx as the mainstream media reported, but he is definitely against taking a gene therapy, which is what the jabs are.  He confirmed that he is giving evidence for “Nuremberg 2.0,” the international crimes against humanity case.

It is my understanding clinical decisions are made by government now, not by medical professionals.  And therein lies the issue.

John O’Looney

I wish John O’Looney the speediest of recoveries.  He is a hero in this fight.


Others were not so lucky.

Doug Kuzma

Doug Kuzma of the Frog News Network passed away on January 3.  Prior to his death, he had spoken of being poisoned along with others at a conference.  Unfortunately, his phone had been taken while he was in the hospital, making him unable to call for help.  Articles about his passing are too defamatory and do not agree with what Doug Kuzma was saying about his illness.  Out of respect for Doug Kuzma, I will not post any links for those here.

Cirsten Weldon

Cirsten Weldon passed away on January 6 in a Camarillo, California hospital.  She did not look well in her final video on December 28.  She had been posting articles on her Telegram account until her final day. If Cirsten Weldon had called for a rescue, then clearly she would not have willingly signed a “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) order.

Who made the determination that Cirsten Weldon was terminal? When a nurse announced that Cirsten Weldon was terminal, was that code for, “We can give a lethal palliative dose of sedative now”? By saying that Cirsten Weldon was terminal, did they claim the right to murder her? Does California code allow doctors to make the decision to euthanize? Was Cirsten Weldon in fact murdered?

The following source gets the “Speculation” label because there is some guessing going on in this video.  Some of the evidence is of the type that cannot be confirmed without additional evidence, even if it is likely that it is true.

Meanwhile, court battles are being waged across the country to save the lives of people in hospitals. The following are examples of these may attempts to save family and friends from the lethal standard of care.

Scott Quiner

Thomas Renz told Stew Peters about one of his cases.

At midnight last night, Mercy Hospital actually retained one of the most powerful law firms in Minneapolis to fight the restraining order, and argue why they feel they have the right to murder a man.

Public pressure helped win this case, for now.

You, the people, have the power.

Sadly, this effort ultimately could not save Scott Quiner.

Matthew Nolan

Covid protocols and complicit nurses are colluding to kill patients for a payout; and those who make it out alive are fighting back. Attorney Matthew Nolan joined the Stew Peters Show Friday to expose how he nearly died at the hands of the Scott Quiner Mercy Hospital. Nolan detailed his case of medical abuse as he lost 25 pounds, had ivermectin stolen from him, and his personal possessions searched despite his refusal. Now, he’s suing the hospital in hopes to shut down the killing field.


The following story is not so much a story of medical kidnapping as it is of the true damage the current standard protocol can do.

Rod Brooks

Rod Brooks was first admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, back in September, 2021.  He has not yet made it out of the hospital.  He is too unwell.  But at least he made it out of the ICU ward where he had been given Remdesivir.  These reports are from June 1, 2022.  Rod Brooks has been in the hospital for eight months at the time of this report.  Rod Brooks was given Remdesivir early in his stay after it seemed that he was recovering.  He is still fighting for his life due to the effects of that drug.  Nothing short of a divine miracle will restore this man to his former health.  I hope he receives one.  In God, all things are possible.


Friends, if you are called upon to help get someone out of a hospital, you must treat the situation as a life-or-death emergency because it is.  Protocols currently in use in the hospitals are extremely dangerous.  There must not be any delays in your actions.  I like the fact that John O’Looney’s rescue team included people with law enforcement experience along with doctors and lawyers.  Also, the fact that it was a team that went to the hospital and not just one individual may have contributed to their success.  Some people have had their sheriff go in with them to rescue loved ones.

God may have been a big part of the success as well, since John O’Looney is set to testify at the International Criminal Court hearings on medical tyranny and crimes against humanity.  Specifically, John O’Looney is the person who alerted the world that it appeared that hospitals were using lethal doses of midazolam on COVID patients, especially the elderly.  No doubt, people around the world have been praying for his protection and continue to do so.

How is it now that hospitals have become enemy fortresses from which those given over to their care must be rescued to save their lives?


See also, on this site:
