Joe Rogan – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:54:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Joe Rogan – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 Joe Rogan tells the world that he used ivermectin to recover from COVID-19 Wed, 01 Sep 2021 00:01:00 +0000 If you go online right now and do a search on Joe Rogan, you will find article after article from the mainstream media about how Joe Rogan is an idiot because he took horse dewormer. The fact is that Joe Rogan took ivermectin formulated for humans that was prescribed to him by a medical doctor. …


If you go online right now and do a search on Joe Rogan, you will find article after article from the mainstream media about how Joe Rogan is an idiot because he took horse dewormer.

The fact is that Joe Rogan took ivermectin formulated for humans that was prescribed to him by a medical doctor.  Ivermectin was approved for human use in 1996.  The world was so impressed with ivermectin that its discoverers won a Nobel Prize for their efforts.  More recently, in January 2021, doctors made such a good case to the NIH for the use of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19 that the NIH had to make it an approved option for use in treating COVID-19India wants to prosecute the WHO’s chief scientist because removing ivermectin from their formulary on her advice led to deaths.  The FDA’s off-label policy allows doctors to prescribe approved medications not specifically approved for the ailment they want to treat, and yet the AMA now wants to ban ivermectin, which happens to be on the WHO’s list of essential medicines.  Prior to AMA and WHO meddling in response to COVID-19, ivermectin was considered one of the safest drugs available.  The FDA needs to tell the AMA to go pound sand.  Apparently, the AMA has already had to back off about hydroxychloroquine (pp. 16-21).  Meanwhile, Japan has gotten so fed up with contaminated vaccines that they have decided to use ivermectin instead.

But here’s the most important fact in this event that needs to be remembered:  Joe Rogan recovered and did so quickly.  He kicked the worst of COVID-19 in just one day.  Meanwhile, how long does it take for COVID-19 patients to recover on the standard protocols?  Seems to me, he’s a genius. Why is everyone arguing with his success?

News flash to the AMA:  People would not be messing around with veterinary horse paste right now if you and other regulatory bodies had not been messing around with doctors’ right to prescribe off-label.  It really is your fault if people are getting ill from downing too much horse paste.  Had their doctors felt comfortable prescribing human formulated ivermectin tablets with proper instructions on the bottle labels, the people would not have felt the need to find a way around the road blocks you’ve thrown up in their way.  Quit interfering with our right to stay well!  Quit interfering with our doctors’ right to practice!  Let doctors be doctors.

A note to whoever put together that cease and desist statement to the AMA for hydroxychloroquine:  It’s time to do it again for ivermectin.  The principle is the same, but so soon they forget!



See also, on this site:

Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Peter A. McCullough Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:00:39 +0000 💉 As you guys know, I rarely links to external news, much less recommend them. After all, what do you need THEM for? You already have Coffee & Covid. But every once in a while there’s something so important that I suggest it to you. My recommendation today — and it’s three hours long —…


💉 As you guys know, I rarely links to external news, much less recommend them. After all, what do you need THEM for? You already have Coffee & Covid. But every once in a while there’s something so important that I suggest it to you.

My recommendation today — and it’s three hours long — is Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr. Peter McCullough. I’ve met Dr. McCullough and he is the real deal. He explains his extremely impressive credentials right at the start of the interview. It includes a TON of information that you haven’t heard yet, even if you’re a Covid news junkie (which you are, admit it).

Here’s the link on Spotify:[Ep. #1747 – Dr. Peter A. McCullough – The Joe Rogan Experience | Spotify]

YouTube already cancelled it. Google won’t return the Spotify link in its search results, and suggests a bunch of “fact check” websites instead. Somebody’s afraid of Dr. McCullough, and they probably should be.

His main point, which you can’t get out your head once you understand it, is that NOBODY EVER talks about TREATMENT of Covid. It’s just injections. But WHY won’t anybody talk about treatment? Why do they pretend like Covid can’t be treated?

Jeff Childers


Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Robert Malone Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:01:16 +0000 I had not been aware before of the information control that is globally coordinated.  The ‘Trusted News’ initiative has become the Ministry of Truth, full-on. — Robert Malone Here are some major takeaways from the Rogan/Malone interview: The gain-of-function research behind the development of the bioweapon spike protein ultimately paved the way for the development…


I had not been aware before of the information control that is globally coordinated.  The ‘Trusted News’ initiative has become the Ministry of Truth, full-on.

— Robert Malone

Here are some major takeaways from the Rogan/Malone interview:

  1. The gain-of-function research behind the development of the bioweapon spike protein ultimately paved the way for the development of a similar, but different spike protein which is currently being used as mRNA instructions in the covid vaccine. The drug companies have an ethical obligation to prove that the spike protein in their vaccine is not toxic, said Malone.
  2. Many people are not acutely injured by the vaccines and some show no adverse effects at all. Rogan asked why. Malone explained that the response curve is due to variances in the individual immune system, including phenotypic/genetic differences.
  3. Malone spoke about the term “anti-vaxxer” which is used to falsely shame people who do not take orders from public health officials. It’s similarly used to socially ostracize anyone who dissents to drug company propaganda. Malone discussed the BBC’s Trusted New Initiative which charges individuals for spreading “misinformation” if they speak out against Tedros, Fauci, or other vaccine propagandists.
  4. Dr. Malone emphasized the trauma that is being imparted in children’s minds, and the subsequent dehumanization, de-socialization and abuse that is being used against children with forced masks and isolation.
  5. When Rogan asked why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were smeared by the media and blocked by the regulatory establishment, Malone said two people were key in this decision. One of them was vaccine promoter Rick Bright, who runs the Pandemic Prevention Institute at The Rockefeller Foundation. Rick Bright used his position as Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to discredit chloroquine and hydroxychloroquinetwo drugs that displayed a history of safety and effectiveness against SARS-CoV-1.
  6. The other figure who blocked treatments for covid-19 was Janet Woodcock. After she took the helm at the Food and Drug Administration on January 20, 2021, she used the agency to mock ivermectin and contort its proper use in humans with its veterinary applications. Senator Ron Johnson wrote to Woodcock, Fauci and other public health officials, detailing their concern that efficacious treatments were being withheld to push out dangerous vaccines, for which informed consent has not properly been applied. Dr. Malone did not speculate on Woodcock and Bright’s intentions, but said they were wrong in their assertions.
  7. Both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are on the essential drugs list provided by the World Health Organization. Billions of doses have been safely administered. These drugs ease symptoms and shorten the duration of illness, preventing severe disease and death. Malone also said that Merck’s repeated attacks on both drugs is bizarre, to say the least – especially since high ivermectin use in Uttar Pradesh was associated with lower mortality rates.
  8. Joe Rogan asked Malone about the financial incentive to diagnose covid-19 in the hospital setting. Malone said hospitals are reimbursed around $3,000 for every covid-19 diagnosis. Treatment protocols are withheld because the hospitals are further incentivized to use remdesivir and ventilators, which are linked to renal failure, lung damage, and deadly nosocomial infection. It doesn’t matter why the individual was initially hospitalized, whether they were suffering from underlying conditions, mediation errors, delayed surgeries, etc. If the hospital “suspects” covid-19 or can get a positive reading on a high cycle threshold PCR test, the hospital can fraudulently declare a covid-19 diagnosis and be reimbursed for their medical fraud and malpractice.
  9. When questioned on the waning efficacy of the vaccines, Malone concurred that the vaccines are leading to negative efficacy, like in the Denmark studies. As doses are increased, individuals become more prone to infection. In Israel, the citizens are being coerced to take a fourth dose, and the data shows enhanced disease in the vaccinated. Their B and T memory cells are being trained to attack a spike protein that has long since mutated, setting the vaccinated up for antibody dependent enhancement, autoimmune issues and cancer.
  10. Rogan and Malone discussed natural immunity and the studies that prove the superiority of innate immunity over half-baked, vaccine-augmented immune responses.
  11. Malone points to disturbing trends in myocarditis in young boys, post vaccination. He spoke about the infertility risk due to the effect of lipid nano-particles on women’s ovaries. He warned about the spike protein and its propensity to cause blood clots. They discussed the censorship of Maddie de Garay, the young girl who was acutely injured in the Pfizer trial. Malone said that financial incentives and expected outcomes are used to hide data on vaccine injuries, while promoting contrived end points that make the vaccine look good.
  12. Malone warned: “Our government is out of control on this. They are lawless, they completely disregard bioethics” and “these mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal, they are explicitly inconsistent with the Nuremberg Code.”

Natural News

The mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone sits down with Joe Rogan to discuss the TRUTH about COVID-19 / The Great Reset including:

1. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – 500K deaths in the U.S. caused by the intentional blockade of early COVID-19 treatment

2. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Janet Woodcock and Rick Bright made it so that physicians could not administer Hydroxychloroquine outside of the hospital?

3. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – There was a specific visit with President Joe Biden & India’s Prime Minister Modi and a decision was made to not disclose the effective treatments being used to treat the Indian people.

4. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – If you had COVID you have a higher risk of adverse events from the jab.

5. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How the Trust In News Network Works – The Media Labels Any Informed Pushback Against the COVID-19 Vaccines As: “Anti-Vaxxer Misinformation”

6. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How the Anti-Vaxxer Label Is Used to Take Anybody Out That Raises Informed Concerned About Vaccine Safety

7. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why Did 3 Top Epidemiologists Agree That COVID-19 Lockdowns Would Not Work?

8. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why Are Israel’s Strict Enforcement of COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not Working?

9. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How Are Hospitals Are Financially Incentivized to Push the COVID-19 / Great Reset Narrative

10. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How Thomson-Reuters Is Financially Tied to Pfizer, Yet They Allowed Are the Fact-Checkers for Twitter

11. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why the Mortality of OMICRON is Remarkably Low?

12. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Explaining White House Dark Winter of Death Press Release & Stopping Them Before They Take Our Kids

13. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Is the Vast Majority of the Medical Community Malfeasant or Nefarious?

14. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How and Why the Truth About COVID-19 (The Great Reset) is Being Completely Suppressed?

15. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Is Pfizer One of Most Criminal Organizations In History?

16. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – We Are Having Demonstrative Drops In IQ & Social Intelligence (Because of Mask Wearing)

17. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How Physicians Are Causing Harm to Their Patients Where Intentionally or Unintentionally As a Result of Following the COVID-19 Protocols

18. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why Now is the Time for Freedom-Loving Patriots to Stand Up and Speak Up!

Thrivetime Show video description


Joe Rogan interviews Elon Musk Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:11 +0000 Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk said Tuesday that it wasn’t so much the COVID-19 virus that killed people hooked up to ventilators as secondary bacterial infections that caused a deadly form of pneumonia. Mr. Musk made the remark in a wide-ranging discussion on Joe Rogan’s podcast on Oct. 31, in which he brought up a key…


This interview took place on Halloween. Joe Rogan is wearing a costume.

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk said Tuesday that it wasn’t so much the COVID-19 virus that killed people hooked up to ventilators as secondary bacterial infections that caused a deadly form of pneumonia.

Mr. Musk made the remark in a wide-ranging discussion on Joe Rogan’s podcast on Oct. 31, in which he brought up a key point first raised in a bombshell study that found secondary bacterial infections of the lung were a key driver of death in people diagnosed with COVID-19 and connected to breathing machines.

“80 percent of the people they put on ventilators died,” Mr. Rogan said, possibly referring to data cited by Dr. Joseph Mercola showing that 76.4 percent of COVID-19 patients aged 18 to 65 in New York City who were put on ventilators died. Among those who were over 65, the mortality rate was 97.2 percent.

The Epoch Times

In a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and owner of social media platform X/Twitter, took a hard swing at far-left billionaire financier George Soros, accusing him of “fundamentally hating humanity” and strategically “eroding the fabric of society” by funding district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crimes.

Jim Hoft




  • Magazine
    April 23, 2020. Yasemin Saplakoglu. “Nearly 9 in 10 COVID-19 Patients Who Are Put on a Ventilator Die, New York Hospital Data Suggests.” Live Science.
  • Research Journal
    May 26, 2020. Safiya Richardson, Jamie S. Hirsch, Mangala Narasimhan, James M. Crawford, Thomas McGinn, Karina W. Davidson, and the Northwell COVID-19 Research Consortium. “Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area.JAMA 323 (20): 2052–59.
    Research Journal.
  • Social Media
    June 7, 2023. Joseph Mercola. “The COVID Hospital Death Trap, Directed by the WHO…  Within Weeks of the Pandemic Outbreak, It Had Become Apparent That the Standard Practice of Putting COVID-19 Patients on Mechanical Ventilation Was a Death Sentence. 76.4% of COVID-19 Patients (Aged 18 to 65) in New York….X (Formerly Twitter).
    Social Media.