#ICS3 – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com Chronological Sequence of Events Sun, 05 Nov 2023 05:09:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://pandemictimeline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Covid-150x150.ico #ICS3 – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com 32 32 International COVID Summit III presents to European Parliament https://pandemictimeline.com/2023/05/international-covid-summit-iii-presents-to-european-parliament/ Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:10 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=14209 The third edition of the International Covid Summit took place in Brussels on May 2. 3 and 4, 2023. On May 3rd, speakers presented in front of MEP’s at the European Parliament. This book contains some transcripts and all slide presentations of that historic day. These international professionals present to the world official data and…


The third edition of the International Covid Summit took place in Brussels on May 2. 3 and 4, 2023. On May 3rd, speakers presented in front of MEP’s at the European Parliament. This book contains some transcripts and all slide presentations of that historic day.

These international professionals present to the world official data and peer-reviewed studies pertaining to the last three years and warn of the threats facing humanity.

Proceedings description

0:13:20 Dr. David Martin (USA) — The gathering storm, the cost of silenced questions
0:34:58 Nick Hudson (South Africa) — Mandates and lockdowns without data or science
0:52:25 Prof. Ciro Isidoro (Italy) — Covid-19, a novel disease that resembles an old disease
1:08:45 Prof. Giovanni Meledandri (Italy) — Interdisciplinary insights from Sars-Cov-2 and Covid19
1:30:00 Dr. Andrea Stramezzi (Italy) — Early responses: boots on the ground in Italy
1:51:05 Dr. Louie Fouche (France) — Effects of mandates, masks and lockdowns
2:09:20 Prof. Philippe Brouqui (France) — Early treatment: hydroxychloroquine and the IHU
2:24:45 Dr. Pierre Kory (USA) — Ivermectin and suppression of early treatment
2:43:20 Jason Christoff (Canada) — Media Over Medicine – The Power of Media
2:56:15 Dr. Byram Bridle (Canada) — The Covid-19 vaccine trials
3:17:45 Dr. Harvey Risch (USA) — The efficacy of the Covid19 vaccines
0:00:00 Break
4:01:50 MEP Francesca Donato (Italy)
4:09:05 MEP Mislav Kolakušić (Croatia)
4:16:40 MEP Christine Anderson (Germany)
4:32:15 Prof. Giuseppe Tritto (Italy) — Effects of the vaccines on male fertility
4:46:25 Dr. Natalia Prego (Spain) — Effects of the vaccines on female fertility
4:59:10 Prof. Giovanni Frajese (Italy) — Human reproduction and mRNA vaccines, missing studies
5:18:05 Dr. Kirk Milhoan (USA) — Effects of Covid-19 in children
5:30:05 Dr. Alejandro Diaz Villalobo (Mexico) — Effects of the Covid-19 vaccine on children
5:41:30 Emmanuelle Darles (France) — Effects of mandates on children
5:53:55 Prof. Arne Burkhardt (Germany) — Covid-19 vaccine damage to heart and lungs
6:08:20 Dr. Rosanna Chifari (Italy) — Damage of Covid-19 vaccines
6:20:40 Dr. Ryan Cole (USA) — Covid-19 cancer,
6:38:05 Vincent Pavan (France) — Statistics for all-cause mortality in France
6:49:20 Prof. Theo Schetters (Netherlands) — Statistics for all-cause mortality in the Netherlands
7:00:25 Prof. Hervé Seligmann (Germany) — Statistics for all-cause mortality in Europe
7:11:20 Dr. Jessica Rose (Canada) — Vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS)
7:21:40 Maria Gutschi (Canada) and David Wiseman (UK) — What they did not tell us: approval process of the vaccines
7:34:02 Prof. Christian Peronne (France) — Medical Suppressions
7:45:08 Dr. Amin Umlil (France) — Medical freedom
7:53:46 Renate Holzeisen (Italy) — The illegalities surrounding the pandemic
8:01:10 Dr. Meryl Nass (USA) and Dr. Katarina Lindley (Croatia) — W.H.O., I.H.R. – treaty and the pandemic accord
8:09:54 Dr. Robert Malone (USA) — Conclusions

Dr. David Martin will appear again at the European Parliament on September 13.

Slide by Dr. Jessica Rose (Canada)


  • Activist Expert Key Video
    May 3, 2023. David Martin, Nick Hudson, Ciro Isidoro, Giovanni Meledandri, Andrea Stramezzi, Louie Fouche, Philippe Brouqui, Pierre Kory, Jason Christoff, Byram Bridle, Harvey Risch, Giuseppe Tritto, Natalia Prego, Giovanni Frajese, Kirk Milhoan, Alejandro Diaz Villalobo, Emmanuelle Darles, Arne Burkhardt, Rosanna Chifari, Ryan Cole, Vincent Pavan, Theo Schetters, Herve Seligmann, Jessica Rose, Maria Gutschi, David Wiseman, Christian Peronne, Amin Umlil, Renate Holzeisen, Meryl Nass, Katarina Lindley, and Robert Malone. “European Parliament – International COVID Summit III.” Children’s Health Defense. Runtime of embedded video: 8:39:28.
    Activist, Expert, Key, Video.
  • Book
    May 28, 2023. David Martin, Nick Hudson, Ciro Isidoro, Giovanni Meledandri, Andrea Stramezzi, Louie Fouche, Philippe Brouqui, Pierre Kory, Byram Bridle, Harvey Risch, Giuseppe Tritto, Natalia Prego, Giovanni Frajese, Kirk Milhoan, Alejandro Diaz Villalobo, Emmanuelle Darles, Arne Burkhardt, Rosanna Chifari, Ryan Cole, Vincent Pavan, Theo Schetters, Herve Seligmann, Jessica Rose, Maria Gutschi, David Wiseman, Christian Peronne, Amin Umlil, Renate Holzeisen, Meryl Nass, Katarina Lindley, and Robert Malone. International Covid Summit 3: The Whole Truth.


  • Video Expert
    August 24, 2023. Seth Holehouse with David E. Martin. Dr. David Martin: DON’T FEAR the Coming Lockdowns… the Cabal Is Already DEAD. ManInAmerica. Runtime: 1:14:12.
    Video, Expert.