Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 07 Mar 2023 08:43:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://pandemictimeline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Covid-150x150.ico Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com 32 32 Stiftung Corona Ausschuss interviews Catherine Austin Fitts https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/02/stiftung-corona-ausschuss-interviews-catherine-austin-fitts/ Fri, 05 Feb 2021 00:00:32 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=6011 Catherine Austin Fitts is founder of Solari Report and Hamilton Inc.  She is an investment banker and former commissioner of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. In these videos, Catherine Austin Fitts touches on the pandemic situation and also tells us about the much larger conspiracy context, of which the pandemic is only…


Catherine Austin Fitts is founder of Solari Report and Hamilton Inc.  She is an investment banker and former commissioner of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

In these videos, Catherine Austin Fitts touches on the pandemic situation and also tells us about the much larger conspiracy context, of which the pandemic is only a part.  The topic goes well beyond the scope I intended for this project, but relevance is demonstrated.  Catherine Austin Fitts is one of the top experts in her field.  Her depth of knowledge is matched by very few in the world of finance and economics.  The Catherine Austin Fitts message exposes a lot of conspiracy, and it also offers solutions.

As a young child, I came to the conclusion that the only source of reliable intelligence on what the adults were up to was mapping out the money. … Our world is built with transactions.

Mafia Of The Mighty

In 1998, the US government began to withhold information about where the money was going and money began disappearing.  Bill Clinton was president at the time.  This is when the financial coup began.

Government operations have been increasingly executed by private corporations and banks since the 1980s.  This includes the financial processes of the government.  The US government no longer has information sovereignty.  Those who manage the finances of the US government reserve the right to keep that information private.

You’ve got a growing population, and you had for 500 years a model called central banking warfare.  And up until the time you globalized in the mid 90s, it was relatively simple, which is, the G7 central banks print money, the military makes people take it, and by extracting natural resources cheaply from the third world, you live a nice life in the first world.

Mafia Of The Mighty

The central bankers are currently working on digitizing the economy so that they can control everything through information.  The person with the best AI is not the one with the best developers.  It is the one with the most data.

On August 22, 2019, retired central bankers working through Blackrock got together in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and voted on The Going Direct Reset plan.  The COVID-19 pandemic is part of realizing that plan.  The purpose of the pandemic in this scenario is to eliminate small- to medium-sized businesses and put the economy in the hands of large publicly-traded companies.  It is a “disaster capitalism” scheme to centralize wealth.  This is done by putting small- to medium-sized businesses into a debt trap through disaster and bankrupting them.  Blackrock is currently buying up properties, often paying more than the asking price.

If you look at how many people are killed when the unemployment rate goes up in the United States, it’s extraordinary figures.  You’re talking about killing hundreds of, I mean just millions and millions of people globally.  And that’s exactly what’s happened.  So the question is, why would a group of people go into a room and vote to kill that many people.  It’s the financial equivalent of dropping seven nuclear bombs around the world.  Why would you do it?  And that’s the question.  Why?  Why did they do it?  Now, you do have to have a reset, but they chose to have a reset that dramatically centralizes power in a way that is unbelievably painful to the general population.

So, if you look at where they want to go, they want to implement a financial transaction system that will give them control at the individual level globally.  So, digital technology gives you the ability, especially if you move the whole planet into an electrical system, it gives you the ability to implement a control system so that you can wipe out not just national sovereignty, but individual sovereignty, and you can control it at a central level.  And so part of what is happening is technology is permitting this system to happen.

So, one of the reasons it’s so hard, I think, for most people to fathom where they’re going is we haven’t really thought about what is possible now, how invasive, how one person can be controlled.  Because the vision is one that lacks sympathy.  Most human beings have empathy, so they can’t fathom why Mr. Global would want that kind of invasive control at the individual level.  So it’s very hard for them to fathom.  One of the reasons I can fathom it is because I’ve hung out with them.  But the other reason I can fathom it is because if you’ve ever studied the history of investment, which, you know, slavery is fantastically profitable, and much of the most profitable experiences, without slavery and war, could not have happened.

And if you look at the reasons that the slave trade was cancelled in the 1800s in the Americas and in Europe, the things that caused the leadership to decide they should cancel slavery, those problems, those risks have been solved with digital technology.  So the reasons I was nervous about maintaining control in the face of slavery, digital technology can solve those problems.  So now I can proceed with slavery, and it can be wildly successful for me.

Mafia Of The Mighty

Some of the technology that would make this possible is explored in the post on the Genetically engineered “Magneto protein that can remotely control the brain and behavior and also in the post about “What does it mean to be ‘human’?”.  When these technologies are combined with artificial intelligence, the technology already exists to control people on a massive scale.  It is just a matter of implementing it.  To some degree, this was accomplished in the deployment of China’s social credit system.

So, how do we stop this?

  1. Stop using digital money.
  2. Stop buying from large corporate suppliers such as Amazon.
  3. Shift your banking to a reputable local bank.  Start shunning the corrupt bankers.


All of the following videos are associated with the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss effort.  Much more from Catherine Austin Fitts is available online.

Additional information:

The following links were flashed up in the Mafia Of The Mighty video.


See also, on this site:

Stiftung Corona Ausschuss interviews Dr. Robert Malone https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/07/stiftung-corona-ausschuss-interviews-dr-robert-malone/ Fri, 09 Jul 2021 00:00:13 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=6006 Source:

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Planet Lockdown interviews Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/10/planet-lockdown-interviews-dr-wolfgang-wodarg/ Mon, 18 Oct 2021 00:00:41 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=7583 In this intimate sit down interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the “pandemic,” or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives. He is one of…


In this intimate sit down interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the “pandemic,” or lack there of and how we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives. He is one of the most honest and thoughtful people we have ever met and has an amazing resume and has lived a rich life full of experiences that uniquely qualifies him to understand the depth and breadth of this complex situation we find ourselves in.

He began his career as a doctor in internal medicine, was unhappy about the focus on making money off people who were sick so went on to be a public health official in northern Germany where he is from. There he made surveys to measure annual flu waves, by having his secretary calling factories, school and businesses to see if people were at home sick. It wasn’t uncommon in a decent flu wave for 10% to be home sick. From there he became a member of the German Parliament. While there the Swine Flu scare occurred and he knew something wasn’t right when 800 cases in Mexico was declared a pandemic. He dug into the issue and discovered a hornets nest of lies and corruption inside the WHO. He floored a bill called Fake Pandemic and did much to deflate that fake scare at the time, to the consternation of the corrupt functionaries of these institutions. He went on to work in the Counsel of Europe and is a truly one of the most honorable and honest voices to provide perspective on our current situation.

We were honored to get one remote interview earlier in the year and this in person one. Listen and learn from this man of integrity!

— video description

