Dr. Robert Malone – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:29:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://pandemictimeline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Covid-150x150.ico Dr. Robert Malone – Pandemic Timeline https://pandemictimeline.com 32 32 Stiftung Corona Ausschuss interviews Dr. Robert Malone https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/07/stiftung-corona-ausschuss-interviews-dr-robert-malone/ Fri, 09 Jul 2021 00:00:13 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=6006 Source:

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Dr. Vanden Bossche, Dr. Malone, and Dr. Zelenko meet with Australian politicians https://pandemictimeline.com/2021/12/dr-vanden-bossche-dr-malone-and-dr-zelenko-meet-with-australian-politicians/ Fri, 24 Dec 2021 00:00:03 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8338 Sources:



Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Robert Malone https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/01/joe-rogan-interviews-dr-robert-malone/ Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:01:16 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=8467 I had not been aware before of the information control that is globally coordinated.  The ‘Trusted News’ initiative has become the Ministry of Truth, full-on. — Robert Malone Here are some major takeaways from the Rogan/Malone interview: The gain-of-function research behind the development of the bioweapon spike protein ultimately paved the way for the development…


I had not been aware before of the information control that is globally coordinated.  The ‘Trusted News’ initiative has become the Ministry of Truth, full-on.

— Robert Malone

Here are some major takeaways from the Rogan/Malone interview:

  1. The gain-of-function research behind the development of the bioweapon spike protein ultimately paved the way for the development of a similar, but different spike protein which is currently being used as mRNA instructions in the covid vaccine. The drug companies have an ethical obligation to prove that the spike protein in their vaccine is not toxic, said Malone.
  2. Many people are not acutely injured by the vaccines and some show no adverse effects at all. Rogan asked why. Malone explained that the response curve is due to variances in the individual immune system, including phenotypic/genetic differences.
  3. Malone spoke about the term “anti-vaxxer” which is used to falsely shame people who do not take orders from public health officials. It’s similarly used to socially ostracize anyone who dissents to drug company propaganda. Malone discussed the BBC’s Trusted New Initiative which charges individuals for spreading “misinformation” if they speak out against Tedros, Fauci, or other vaccine propagandists.
  4. Dr. Malone emphasized the trauma that is being imparted in children’s minds, and the subsequent dehumanization, de-socialization and abuse that is being used against children with forced masks and isolation.
  5. When Rogan asked why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were smeared by the media and blocked by the regulatory establishment, Malone said two people were key in this decision. One of them was vaccine promoter Rick Bright, who runs the Pandemic Prevention Institute at The Rockefeller Foundation. Rick Bright used his position as Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to discredit chloroquine and hydroxychloroquinetwo drugs that displayed a history of safety and effectiveness against SARS-CoV-1.
  6. The other figure who blocked treatments for covid-19 was Janet Woodcock. After she took the helm at the Food and Drug Administration on January 20, 2021, she used the agency to mock ivermectin and contort its proper use in humans with its veterinary applications. Senator Ron Johnson wrote to Woodcock, Fauci and other public health officials, detailing their concern that efficacious treatments were being withheld to push out dangerous vaccines, for which informed consent has not properly been applied. Dr. Malone did not speculate on Woodcock and Bright’s intentions, but said they were wrong in their assertions.
  7. Both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are on the essential drugs list provided by the World Health Organization. Billions of doses have been safely administered. These drugs ease symptoms and shorten the duration of illness, preventing severe disease and death. Malone also said that Merck’s repeated attacks on both drugs is bizarre, to say the least – especially since high ivermectin use in Uttar Pradesh was associated with lower mortality rates.
  8. Joe Rogan asked Malone about the financial incentive to diagnose covid-19 in the hospital setting. Malone said hospitals are reimbursed around $3,000 for every covid-19 diagnosis. Treatment protocols are withheld because the hospitals are further incentivized to use remdesivir and ventilators, which are linked to renal failure, lung damage, and deadly nosocomial infection. It doesn’t matter why the individual was initially hospitalized, whether they were suffering from underlying conditions, mediation errors, delayed surgeries, etc. If the hospital “suspects” covid-19 or can get a positive reading on a high cycle threshold PCR test, the hospital can fraudulently declare a covid-19 diagnosis and be reimbursed for their medical fraud and malpractice.
  9. When questioned on the waning efficacy of the vaccines, Malone concurred that the vaccines are leading to negative efficacy, like in the Denmark studies. As doses are increased, individuals become more prone to infection. In Israel, the citizens are being coerced to take a fourth dose, and the data shows enhanced disease in the vaccinated. Their B and T memory cells are being trained to attack a spike protein that has long since mutated, setting the vaccinated up for antibody dependent enhancement, autoimmune issues and cancer.
  10. Rogan and Malone discussed natural immunity and the studies that prove the superiority of innate immunity over half-baked, vaccine-augmented immune responses.
  11. Malone points to disturbing trends in myocarditis in young boys, post vaccination. He spoke about the infertility risk due to the effect of lipid nano-particles on women’s ovaries. He warned about the spike protein and its propensity to cause blood clots. They discussed the censorship of Maddie de Garay, the young girl who was acutely injured in the Pfizer trial. Malone said that financial incentives and expected outcomes are used to hide data on vaccine injuries, while promoting contrived end points that make the vaccine look good.
  12. Malone warned: “Our government is out of control on this. They are lawless, they completely disregard bioethics” and “these mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal, they are explicitly inconsistent with the Nuremberg Code.”

Natural News

The mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone sits down with Joe Rogan to discuss the TRUTH about COVID-19 / The Great Reset including:

1. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – 500K deaths in the U.S. caused by the intentional blockade of early COVID-19 treatment

2. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Janet Woodcock and Rick Bright made it so that physicians could not administer Hydroxychloroquine outside of the hospital?

3. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – There was a specific visit with President Joe Biden & India’s Prime Minister Modi and a decision was made to not disclose the effective treatments being used to treat the Indian people.

4. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – If you had COVID you have a higher risk of adverse events from the jab.

5. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How the Trust In News Network Works – The Media Labels Any Informed Pushback Against the COVID-19 Vaccines As: “Anti-Vaxxer Misinformation”

6. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How the Anti-Vaxxer Label Is Used to Take Anybody Out That Raises Informed Concerned About Vaccine Safety

7. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why Did 3 Top Epidemiologists Agree That COVID-19 Lockdowns Would Not Work?

8. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why Are Israel’s Strict Enforcement of COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not Working?

9. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How Are Hospitals Are Financially Incentivized to Push the COVID-19 / Great Reset Narrative

10. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How Thomson-Reuters Is Financially Tied to Pfizer, Yet They Allowed Are the Fact-Checkers for Twitter

11. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why the Mortality of OMICRON is Remarkably Low?

12. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Explaining White House Dark Winter of Death Press Release & Stopping Them Before They Take Our Kids

13. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Is the Vast Majority of the Medical Community Malfeasant or Nefarious?

14. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How and Why the Truth About COVID-19 (The Great Reset) is Being Completely Suppressed?

15. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Is Pfizer One of Most Criminal Organizations In History?

16. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – We Are Having Demonstrative Drops In IQ & Social Intelligence (Because of Mask Wearing)

17. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – How Physicians Are Causing Harm to Their Patients Where Intentionally or Unintentionally As a Result of Following the COVID-19 Protocols

18. Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan – Why Now is the Time for Freedom-Loving Patriots to Stand Up and Speak Up!

Thrivetime Show video description


Dr. Robert Malone publishes Lies My Gov’t Told Me https://pandemictimeline.com/2022/12/dr-robert-malone-publishes-lies-my-govt-told-me/ Tue, 06 Dec 2022 00:00:13 +0000 https://pandemictimeline.com/?p=14498 A guide for the times—breaking down the lies about COVID-19 and shedding light on why we came to believe them. When he invented the original mRNA vaccine technology as a medical and graduate student in the late 1980s, Robert Malone could not have imagined that he would become a leader in a movement to expose the dangers of…


A guide for the times—breaking down the lies about COVID-19 and shedding light on why we came to believe them.

When he invented the original mRNA vaccine technology as a medical and graduate student in the late 1980s, Robert Malone could not have imagined that he would become a leader in a movement to expose the dangers of mRNA vaccines that billions of people have received—too often without being informed of the risks.

For voicing opposition to the “mainstream” narrative, Dr. Robert Malone was censored by Big Tech and vilified by the media. But he continues to speak out and alert the world to the web of lies that we have all experienced. From vaccine safety and effectiveness to early treatments like ivermectin, to lockdowns, masks, and more, Dr. Malone is the signature dissident voice telling the other side of the story about COVID, the role of corporate media, censorship, propaganda, and the brave new world of transhumanism promoted by the World Economic Forum and its acolytes.

What effect did the COVID policies have on lives, livelihoods, and democracies? How is it possible that the lies spread by governments would persist, and that our institutions would fail to correct them? Lies My Gov’t Told Me takes a hard look at these questions and illustrates how data, information, and psychology have been distorted during the pandemic.

Governments intentionally weaponized fear to mold behavior. The media smeared anyone who objected to the narrative. And Big Pharma—aligned with larger globalist interests exemplified by the likes of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum—had captured the agencies that are supposed to regulate it long before the pandemic began. Dr. Malone explores these perverse connections between Pharma, government, and media, and tells us what can be done about it.

With contributed chapters from other leading thinkers, such as Dr. Paul Marik and Professor Mattias Desmet, and drawing upon history, psychology, and economics, Lies My Gov’t Told Me looks at COVID from numerous angles. Never satisfied with a simple answer or easy solution, Dr. Malone proposes multiple action plans for a better future.

Dr. Malone calls on each of us to find our own solutions, our own ways to resist the control of fascist, corporatist, and totalitarian overlords. If we are to step out of the darkness—toward a world that defends the principles of the Constitution, upholds individual rights, and honors free speech—we all must play a part in the transition.

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