cancer – Pandemic Timeline Chronological Sequence of Events Tue, 12 Nov 2024 02:29:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cancer – Pandemic Timeline 32 32 Joe Tippens cures his cancer with fenbendazole Tue, 02 May 2017 00:00:36 +0000 Fenbendazole, a common veterinary deworming medication, has recently gained significant attention in the field of cancer treatment. This unexpected development has led researchers and patients to explore the potential of fenbendazole for cancer therapy. While primarily used in animals, emerging research and compelling anecdotal evidence suggest that fenbendazole may have powerful anti-cancer properties in humans…


Fenbendazole, a common veterinary deworming medication, has recently gained significant attention in the field of cancer treatment. This unexpected development has led researchers and patients to explore the potential of fenbendazole for cancer therapy. While primarily used in animals, emerging research and compelling anecdotal evidence suggest that fenbendazole may have powerful anti-cancer properties in humans as well.

One of the most recognized success stories is that of Joe Tippens, who was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer and given just three months to live. Tippens began taking fenbendazole (Panacur C), a dog dewormer, along with several supplements. Remarkably, his subsequent PET scan showed significant improvement, and within months, he was declared cancer-free.

Heal Navigator

Joe Tippens:  My neck, my liver, my pancreas, my bladder, my bones.  It was everywhere.

Evan Onstot:  Two years ago, Joe Tippens says he was told to go home, call hospice, and say his goodbyes.

Today, Tippens is very much alive, and what he credits for his survival has doctors scratching their heads, and the rest of us raising eyebrows.

He says he got a tip from a farmer — not from a pharmacist, but a veterinarian, and in his desperation, he turned from people medicine, to dog medicine.

KOCO 5 News

The schedule I am on is to go in to Houston quarterly. I have a PET scan done on Monday and then meet with my thoracic oncologist on Tuesday. In my regular quarterly PET scan in the first week of May, 2017, my Tuesday meeting was my first sign that the positive thinking, the prayer posse, the humor, the supplements and, yes, the canine dewormer all combined “might just” be working.

My oncologist was literally stupefied. My PET was “all clear”. No residual or recurrent tumor is demonstrated. No apparent metastasis.

“Are you kidding me?” 3 months earlier, In January, my PET lit up like a Christmas tree. There was cancer in my body from head to toe. And it was a terrifyingly dangerous metastasis that leaves virtually 100% of its victims dead within 3 months. Here I was 3 months later and the PET scan was completely dark……void of any light…..anywhere.

— Joe Tippens

Joe later told KOCO 5 News that while his insurance company had spent $1.2million (£930,000) on traditional medicine the dog pills cost just $5 (£3.90) a week.

The Sun

WARNING: There have been no trials of fenbendazole for treating cancer, there may be risks involved and the medication is not recommended by doctors.

Daily Mail Online, as of their writing

I am not a doctor. I am not a scientist. I am not prescribing any medicine. I am not recommending any medication, over the counter or not. I am not recommending any other supplements.

All I am doing is telling my own unique story, hence the URL for this site

I am giving testimony to what I did and what my story is, and I refuse to be punished solely for telling my story in hopes that someday the medical and big pharma players will pay attention to alternatives out there.

Joe Tippens



See also, on this site:

Pathological Institute in Reutlingen holds press conference Mon, 20 Sep 2021 00:00:23 +0000 Backed by Professors Sucharit Bhakdi, Stefan Homburg and Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Auschuss, a new forensics institute held its first press conference on Monday to present the evidence now available on the fatal accidents that may have resulted from so-called anti-covid injections. The first part of the press conference focused on autopsies of vaccinated people. During these…


Backed by Professors Sucharit Bhakdi, Stefan Homburg and Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Auschuss, a new forensics institute held its first press conference on Monday to present the evidence now available on the fatal accidents that may have resulted from so-called anti-covid injections.

The first part of the press conference focused on autopsies of vaccinated people.

During these autopsies, the two forensic doctors were confronted with disease profiles that were unknown to them until then. While it cannot be said that vaccination was the sole cause of death – because death is always multifactorial, “not a single organ, not a single bodily function, is unharmed” following an injection, according to Professor Burkhardt.

Athletes are particularly vulnerable to misplacement of the needle.

The topic of the press conference then turned to the contents of the vaccines themselves.  It was said that what these doctors and scientists found was found in other labs around the world.  These are not isolated results.

Bits of metal found by Dr. Arne Burkhardt confirm the report of metal by Dr. Robert O. Young.

Dr. Axel Bolland reported findings that confirm other reports of abnormal blood.  He felt that this information needed to be part of the informed consent.

Blood images from Dr. Axel Bolland

Dr. Bolland showed graphs of blood test results with out of range immune system elements.

A case was mentioned in which cancer had become more aggressive.  The patient had breast cancer growth that was in steady state at the time of vaccination.  After vaccination, the growth began to grow and eventually had to be removed at 6 months after vaccination.

The hostess doctor found something that looked like a submarine in a BioNTech vaccine.  This later crystalized into a larger structure.  She also showed other structures that were assumed to be graphene oxide.  She speculated as to whether those structures could by Morgellons.  She noted that these structures had also been seen in the blood of vaccinated people.  (I will see if I can find her name.  She introduced herself as a medical doctor and surgeon.  If I try to do it from the audio, chances are that I will spell it incorrectly.)

Dried crystalized Johnson & Johnson vaccine

This crystalized vaccine above looks similar to what Jonathan Kleck showed in his video.

In the view of the lawyers, the presence of undeclared substances in the vaccines are a violation of informed consent.  Further, they believe that the regulating agencies deserve an explanation from the producing companies, and the vaccines could be potentially pulled from the market due to the contaminants and the approvals revoked.

One participant mentioned that people take the vaccines because they have been told that there is no other option, which we now know is not true.

The problem we have is that in the US, the regulators have a financial stake in the vaccines and thus a conflict of interest.  Their profit motive may be leading them into recommending the vaccines for demographics that should not take them.  For this reason, it may be difficult to get them to reverse course on their own.

One of the lawyers declared,

One thing is clear.  Whoever carries on with the knowledge as of today is legally punishable.  They can say that they did this deliberately or at least partly deliberately.  And this is a crime against humanity, which is called deletion of human beings.  The parties are deleting their electorate here.  …  We could clearly say that our governments and the members of it and other [unintelligible] are punishable and they won’t get away with it.  Many people do not know how sick they are.



  • Research Journal
    May 6, 2021. F. Konstantin Föhse, Büsranur Geckin, Gijs J. Overheul, Josephine van de Maat, Gizem Kilic, Ozlem Bulut, Helga Dijkstra, Heidi Lemmers, S. Andrei Sarlea, Maartje Reijnders, Jacobien Hoogerwerf, Jaap ten Oever, Elles Simonetti, Frank L. van de Veerdonk, Leo A.B. Joosten, Bart L. Haagmans, Reinout van Crevel, Yang Li, Ronald P. van Rij, Corine GeurtsvanKessel, Marien I. de Jonge, Jorge Domínguez-Andrés, and Mihai G. Netea. “The BNT162b2 MRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 Reprograms Both Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses.
    Research Journal.
    “The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination …” This is a downregulation of the part of the immune system that fights cancer; thus, we should not be surprised that cancers are now being seen in jab recipients.
  • Blog Photo
    August 20, 2021. Robert O. Young. “Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines.” Dr. Robert Young.
    Blog, Photo.
    This one also contains photos of blood, shown above.
  • Video
    September 19, 2021. Jonathan Kleck. ENGLISH TRANSLATION – GRAPHENE-VERSACE BRIGHT CRYSTAL – Real-Time Self-Assembling Graphene in Pfize. theJonathanKleck. Runtime: 13:38.

See also, on this site:

Peer-reviewed and published: first-in-the-world ivermectin/mebendazole/fenbendazole cancer protocol Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:00:20 +0000 I hope that this peer-reviewed paper lays the groundwork for a brand new future for Cancer Treatment. Many of you know that I have been helping thousands of Cancer patients with high dose Ivermectin, Mebendazole, and Fenbendazole. We are already starting to see incredible successes with these repurposed drugs. — Dr. William Makis MD Sources:…


I hope that this peer-reviewed paper lays the groundwork for a brand new future for Cancer Treatment.

Many of you know that I have been helping thousands of Cancer patients with high dose Ivermectin, Mebendazole, and Fenbendazole.

We are already starting to see incredible successes with these repurposed drugs.

Dr. William Makis MD



See also, on this site:
